3 month follow up: What was your PSA at 3 and 6 months?
I had my prostate out October 3rd. My three month PSA text came back at .06. Good, but not zero. I realize anything under .1 is considered in remission. I will have it redone in three months.
What was everyone else three and six month PSA?
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@jeffmarc -- Thanks for weighing in and you raise a couple of good points. First, doubling checking what I wrote above and my lab reports, I misspoke above. My brothers psa and my psa 3 months ago was ".04", not ".004". Ugh; sorry about that. Second, I remember seeing that previous comment about "< .01" and I simply attributed it to human error because what I had consistently seen and heard were references to "< .1". But I probably should have inquired then rather than just assuming I knew what was going on. That said, here's what I do know for certain after double checking my lab reports: First, my latest psa report says "< .1" and that same psa report also explicitly states that "free psa is below detectable limits". Second, I just got off the tele visit with a staff Mayo urologist (unfortunately before I read your comment) and she clearly stated to me that "< .1" is what they're looking for. One thing I didn't clarify in my comment above is that neither my brother nor myself have been using the Mayo lab for psa testing (and in fact my brother isn't a Mayo patient at all). We both live remote and use the same local lab (Quest). At this point, I am sure of 2 points: First, what my latest psa test says and what I heard this morning from a staff Mayo urologist at my 6 month tele visit. I'm also reasonably sure "< .1" is what I heard 3 months ago from a different Mayo staff urologist at my 3 month checkup (especially since .04 is greater than .01 so if .01 was the threshold than I'm pretty sure the Mayo urologist would have discussed it further at my 3 month checkup). Sorry for the confusion and thanks again for questioning it.
PSA, Total and Free
Prostate Specific Ag (PSA), Total < 0.01* ≤3.99 ng/mL
PSA, Free < 0.02* Not Established ng/mL
PSA, % Free N/A ≥26 %
*Prostate Specific Ag
(PSA), Total:
Results < 0.01 ng/mL are below the limit of detection for the assay.
The investigative cut-point for PSA is generally considered 4.0 ng/mL with a negative
predictive value of 85%. Values between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/mL are considered borderline for
additional evaluation, with a positive predictive value of ~25%.
I get mine done at Labcorp. This was my result and notes from them. Just FYI
Hey Steve, yeah, ain’t life a blast sometimes? I surmise from your results that you either had some small spread presurgically or other factors which precluded total eradication of the cancer by surgical means alone.
But you are in a better spot than if something went undetected for years and was able to metastasize to distant bones where you would have needed even more radiation (SBRT) than the 45 salvage sessions.
I had 25 and it was a lot for me, mostly because of the no gas/full bladder which is absolutely essential for successful treatment. Not only do you want to kill the cancer, but you don’t want to harm anything else along the way.
Every day after a session the tech would say “great job today!” And I would say , “But I just laid on the table!” They would then tell me that all the problems most men face after radiation (proctitis, bladder stricture, etc) come from improper prep: gas in the bowel or less than full bladder.
So you have to do that for over 45 days (DON’T cheat on weekends - you’ll pay for it on Monday) and that is gonna be the most difficult part of the treatment discipline-wise.
But you’ll do it and the time really flies once you are in it. You got this, Steve! Best
Good information. I found the reading of numbers confusing coming from so many posters. I have learned that different labs, different machines, different distinct levels of testing and thus vastly different numbers are possible and used by labs.
For me I go to Mayo Jacksonville. My PCP in discussion on my last PSA test of .22 stated to me that Mayo Jacksonville lab does not give numbers below .1. Not .01.
He said below .1 that our lab considers that non detectable.
I see many posters posting much lower numbers of PSA than .1 that indicates many labs have different levels of tests and abilities when posting PSA numbers. I would have thought Mayo Jacksonville would have a more sensitive machine and testing. Maybe they do have a special machine when requested by doctors but have no information on this.
My R/O at UFHPTI said goal for me was a PSA below One (1.0) not .1
I have reached that already with my .22. But I did not have prostate removal or any hormone treatments. When I read others very low PSA numbers, I do not question them as obviously their labs are using different machines and /or sensitivity numbers than mine.
A prostate cancer patient's urologist, surgeon, R/O would have specific goal numbers depending on if they had surgery, hormone treatments, type, and duration of radiation treatments, etc.
For me decades ago my PSA was .75. It was that level for many many years and then in 2018 started rising. Both my PCP and I thought it was from extensive bike riding as I did Sprint Triathlons. So, we stopped riding the bike over and over prior to testing but kept rising.
I was .63 4 months post surgery, pet scan showing small amount of cancer still near my lymph node , not good , it’s too late now but as I read various comments I’m confused about the decision I made since I too am not ready to “play House” I had one of the top Doctors at Mass General in Boston who does not use robotics. When we discussed options, he mentioned if I started with hormone and radiation first , there was a chance surgery could not be done later , did I misunderstand his comment? So I had the surgery and didn’t get it all so another 8 weeks of feeling down and can’t help wondering if I made the wrong decision. Very difficult for me despite pumps and pills that haven’t worked yet and now with Hormone shots has anyone been able to have any success with an erection during this additional treatment. I use to look, feel, and act 10 yrs younger than I am , hope to feel that way again 🙏
Regarding your comment about your doctor mentioning if you did radiation first chance surgery could not be done later.
Heard same thing so you did not misunderstand. What I was told was the radiation does a real number on your prostate. Thus doing surgery on it after a lot of radiation damage is not something most surgeons want to tackle.
I have read though that there are excpetions and some specialized urologist surgeon will and can operate but that is not the norm.
I did not have surgery just radiation so cannot personnaly comment on surgery questions or side affects.
Good luck!
Appreciate your comments, at least my memory is still like an Elephant, time tell if I made a good decision, good luck to you
Phil - thanks for the support & information. While I've researched PC extensively, I had not studied radiation preparation, so your advice is really helpful! I need to read up on that. My recent PSMA PET scan showed no cancer in the pelvic bed, but several lymph nodes showed matastisis (I guess others than the 21 the surgeon removed). When I was discussing my fast BCR with my RO, I said, " I think my cancer had metastasized before I had surgery." She said she agreed. I keep reading about micrometastases, especially with high Gleason scores, cribriform, and IDC. I believe this is/was the cause of the early matastisis. Good luck to you too! Steve
@jc76 -- in my post about my brother's psa and mine being .004, I misspoke. Both my brothers and my psa was .04. Everything else in that post is accurate.
It is hard to say you made a wrong decision, Radiation might not have gotten it all if you had just done that.
Sounds like you have a pretty aggressive case. What was your Gleason score? Did you get a decipher score? Did you have a PSMA pet test before surgery, if so did they miss the lymph node cancer?
It puzzles me how a top doctor doesn’t use Robotics for surgery. It sounds like that doctor’s near retirement and doesn’t like the idea of changing what he does.
Yes, you can probably get an erection even if you get all these treatments. You may need a combination of Cialis or Viagra along with a penis pump. Then you can get bimix or trimix injections, Which allow most people to get an erection.