A recent Mayo Clinic study has shown that cooling the pancreas is a viable option for treating acute pancreatitis, a potentially lethal condition marked by inflammation and injury of the pancreas.
While ice often is recommended as a common remedy for a break or sprain, the healing power of cooling internal organs is a fairly new discovery. The results of the study of pancreas cooling done on rats were published in the journal Gastroenterology.Study authors Biswajit Khatua, Ph.D., Vijay Singh, M.B.B.S., and Cristiane de Oliveira, Ph.D.
Dr. Vijay Singh, a gastroenterologist and senior author of the study, says treating pancreatitis is challenging because the condition can arise from different causes and continue despite treatment since several parallel cellular pathways are involved. To address the many ways in which acute pancreatitis occurs and progresses, the authors planned an approach that could work broadly: cooling.
"This method helps in multiple ways," Dr. Singh says. "One is inhibition of parallel pathways as well as by sequential inhibition, or slowing each step of a response by a small extent to get a large overall effect."
Researchers induced two different types of acute pancreatitis in rats — a mild and a severe type with different molecular causes. The cooling procedure involved inserting a balloon into the stomach, which covers much of the pancreas, and circulating cold water to create a sort of internal ice pack.
The researchers found that water at 87.8 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit slows cellular injury in the milder model, while water at 77 degrees Fahrenheit slows injury both locally and systemically in the severe model. They also saw that cooling only the stomach and the pancreas avoided complications associated with generalized hypothermia.
In humans, acute pancreatitis is usually diagnosed in the emergency room, and the severity is hard to predict, according to the paper. The authors suggest that by identifying the severity of a patient's condition and cooling their pancreas using water at the appropriate temperature, patients may have shorter hospital stays. The broad, rapid effect of cooling could prevent the condition from worsening in the first several hours or days until it resolves.
Since the tools for this intervention already exist for other purposes, the researchers hope this method of prediction and intervention for acute pancreatitis will advance to the next stage of research. They have begun other animal tests and hope to move into clinical trials as soon as possible.
At this point, it seems that the concept of pancreatic cooling is heating up.
This article was first featured on Mayo Clinic News Center.
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My amylase been elevated 2x or 3x in normal range for 34 years , my Lipase been elevated started last year and this year 2x or 3x in normal range . Last year July , MRI was normal , January 2022 MRI was normal . My doctor said don’t worry . Any body can give me an advice , mostly everyday I have stomach discomfort and dull pain in the mid stomach and back pain .
Hi @jbedayo, have you been diagnosed with pancreatitis? If yes, you may wish to connect with other patients in these related discussions:
- Do I have Pancreatitis? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pancreatitus-1/
- Pancreatitis https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pancreatitis-1/
Hello Colleen , my doctor told me, that I don’t have pancreatitis and never been hospitalized about pancreatitis . Every month I have blood works to monitor my Lipase, last blood result was 90 iu/l the normal range up to 56iu/l .
I had acute pancreatitis and my amylase and lipase were sky high. The pain was horrible. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital. It came on suddenly and fast to excruciating pain that was uncontrollable. Now I have chronic pancreatitis and my amylase and lipase don't go up but the pain can be really bad. I have been getting an EGD and EUS every 3 months for the last 5 years with a celiac block. So most likely if you don't have alot of pain it's not pancreatitis. But I also have many gastric diseases so I would see a gastroenterologist because some gastro diseases are best caught early. Good luck to you.