Yuck on uticaria
Hives started in 2018. Diagnosed through biopsy.
I’ve been on Xolair since 2020. I have had maybe 4 really bad breakouts since, and if that happens I take a low dose, 5 mg., of prednisone, usually just for a week.
Otherwise the allergist tells me to take antihistamines daily. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t 😂. when I have mild breakouts I do take them, in addition to the Xolair. the Xolair is monthly. not fond of those trips monthly but it’s better than the big breakouts. those are horrible.
If things get bad (not too often,) but not bad enough for the prednisone, I take two allergra in the a.m. and a zyrtec at night. The zyrtec makes me sleepy so I try to avoid that.
i found found help with pepcid, also, when I have a breakout. even with the xolair i get mild breakouts. gratefully mild enough that it doesn’t interfere in my sleep. some of mine come on if I wear tight clothing for too long, so I get out of my workout tights as soon as possible after working out. heat can bring them on, also.
Ice packs work wonders for the itch! Over the counter tecnu Calagel helps with the itch, also. I have many prescription topicals but I’m not really sure they help that much.
feel free to private message me if there is something I have missed. i am in California so that will not help you, doctor wise, good luck! i know how bad those things are
Thank you for sharing what works for you! It’s helpful information.