Sue this is timeline
1st appt ENT Sept 30
-Scoped and Sinusitis detected
- upper and lower respiratory complaints
-restriction with exhalation
-raspy voice
-Augmentin prescribed
Oct 8
CXR clear
Oct 16
-Fungal infection in esophagus
Nov 4
-2nd appt ENT
- has felt more sick including congestion, nasal drainage, cough, and postnasal drip
- "questionable decreased breathing sounds in lower right lobe"
-nasal mucosa severely edematous
-discolored green micropus in Ostealmeatal Complexes extending into posterior pharnyx
- thickened mucopus adherent to the adenoid bed and posterior pharyngeal wall.
-Biaxin prescribed for infection
Dec 8
Neck CT 12/8
- Swollen pretracheal paratracheal node 1.6
Sinus CT 12/8
-Paranasal sinus mucosal disease.
-Right maxillary sinus retention cyst versus polyp
-There is mural thickening of bilateral maxillary sinuses right more
than left as well as the sphenoid sinus consistent with chronic
-There is paranasal sinus mucosal disease within bilateral maxillary, sphenoid, ethmoid, and frontal sinuses. There is a right maxillary sinus retention cyst versus polyp.
Dec 26
Chest CT
Patchy areas of airspace consolidation in the right middle lobe,
some of which is nodular measuring up to 2.4 cm. Additional ground
glass areas of airspace consolidation in the right middle lobe.
Findings secondary to multifocal pneumonia, although difficult to
exclude a neoplastic process. In the absence of infectious symptoms,
recommend further evaluation with PET/CT and/or pathologic sampling.
Otherwise, recommend follow-up CT scan in 3 months after appropriate
medical therapy for pneumonia.
Other Conditions
-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea
-Heavy Drinker until 12/10
- Chronically Vitamin D deficient
Great summary - what does the ENT say about the exact bacteria in your sinuses?
Do you have a pulmonology consult set up yet? Can you set it up yourself if the ENT isn't pushing things along?
How are you doing with the doxycycline?