Is it okay to take B12 with essential thrombocythemia (ET)?

Posted by preacherswife1977 @preacherswife1977, Jan 3 10:17am

I have ET and JAK2 mutation. Is it ok to take B12 for the tingling in my feet?

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Hi @preacherswife1977, Vitamin B-12 is an important building block for red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and the production of DNA. Having a low B-12 level can cause symptoms such as tingling in hands and feet. But from my understanding high levels of B-12 from supplements can also produce similar symptoms. Even though it’s a water soluble vitamin, it can still create side effects.
Members in Connect can’t diagnose or prescribe medications or supplements. So this is a great question, but one that would be best answered by your hematologist if it’s safe for you to take or not.
Have you had a recent Vit B-12 blood serum test to check your level?


No I have not had my B12 checked. Was thinking it may help the uncomfortable feeling in my feet.


No I have not had my B12 checked. Was thinking it may help the uncomfortable feeling in my feet.

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The B-12 may help the tingling, as others have mentioned. However, there are several conditions which can cause tingling in the feet besides low vitamin B-12, including underlying health conditions or other deficiencies. For example, a magnesium deficiency can be a factor in peripheral neuropathy, include numbness and tingling or a pinched nerve.

So before starting any supplement it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor and maybe have some blood tests.


I had tingling in my knees when my B-12 was way too high. There were other symptoms as well.

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