How do you, as a parent, deal with the anger? Son has sarcoma
My son was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma February of 2022 when he was 17. Had chemotherapy and surgery. Was doing great working out playing on college basketball team. Then December of 2022 he had a recurrence. Now doing proton radiation and oral chemotherapy.
I am just do angry! It’s not fair!
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Hi @bkayk, I added your message to the Caregivers as well as the Cancer support groups so you can easily connect with other parents whose young adult children were diagnoses with sarcoma like @interruptedivc @amd123 @erasahai @jennifer0726 @madstrong @janezum @phuds01 and others.
I get the anger. It's just not right that life in adolescence and young adulthood gets brutally interrupted by cancer. Just. Not. Right. But you have a right to your emotions. Feel free to vent.
Has your son had to delay his semester in order to go back on treatment? Did he return home to be with you? Is the proton therapy facility close to home?
Yes, he went down to just 2 online classes. He was going to Ridgewater in Willmar so he moved back to Mankato where we live and drove back and forth every day to Rochester for the proton radiation.
Yesterday was actually his last treatment but will still continue with oral chemotherapy. He wants to go back to Willmar, I am worried about him taking the medicine correctly. The guys from his basketball team surprised him 🥹
@bkayk, I hear you! There are no words to describe what we are going through.
It's been one year since my 29 year old daughter was diagnosed with grade 3 brain cancer. She has completed Proton radiation and is on session four of oral chemotherapy.
Anger is definitely an emotion I have experienced frequently this past year. While I might not be experiencing anger as frequently as I have in the past, the emotional rollercoaster is something I experience almost daily. This diagonsis has changed our lives forever.
You are valid when you say it is not fair. In my year's experience, young adults with cancer are overlooked and escpecially those with rare cancers. I think even the medical professionals are not quite sure what to do with them. They just do not fit in the "typical" demographic of those with cancer. It's all so very frustrating.
Right now, I spend as much time as I can with her doing as many "normal" things as we possibly can. Normal is what she craves. There are many days where she wants to talk about anything other than the cancer.
Hey there.
What's making you angry?
To bkayk. I realize your original post was from a year ago, but I hope your son is doing well. Like you, the anger over the unfairness of a stage 4 Ewing Sarcoma diagnosis, when it is so rare, and the local oncologist saying that your son, at 28, is TOO OLD (!) to withstand the aggresive chemotherapy that might cure a younger person, is at times overwhelming. But what is even worse, is the guilt as a parent that you can't help your child, and feeling responsible that you passed along a gene that caused his cancer....He recently completed 14 cycles of chemotherapy at a major cancer center in Boston, but because his primary tumors are on his spine where it meets his pelvis, they are inoperable. Now we have to wait until they repeat his scans in 3 months to determine if his cancer is still stable.
@bkayk Please see my post above. This is the first time I've posted, wasn't sure how to reply to you.
Welcome to Connect, @oncejimmymac. By adding the @ sign in front of @bkayk is the perfect way to insure that they receive a notification of your post. Another way is to use the Blue Reply button at the bottom of the particular post where you’d like to respond.
Thank you for sharing yours and your son’s poignant journey through stage 4 Ewing sarcoma. As a parent, I can’t think of anything more heartbreaking than to see our children suffer and we’re helpless to ‘kiss and make it better’. May he continue to see positive signs of remission after his chemotherapy. Recovery may be slow, but now that the chemo is over, his body can heal.
Wishing only good news for you and your family as 2025 unfolds.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. His prognosis is not favorable, but he is at least feeling much better now that chemo has ended, and is not in pain.
I’m so sorry to learn about your son’s prognosis but relieved to read he’s feeling better! Chemo can be brutal. especially if your son had 14 cycles. However, it can also be a life saver. I’ll be sending positive thoughts and a gentle hug for you and your son that his next scans are stable!
My 29 year old son who is also autistic was just diagnosed with CML, our family has fallen apart, so much sadness, anger, and anxiety, life feels like it will never be any kind of happy or normal again