How do you cope with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)?
Would someone else please join this discussion and let me know how you cope with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease? How can you explain it to your family and friends when they just do not understand? How can I explain it to my doctors? Myself?
I am always tired. Extremely tired. Weak. Do not feel well.....ever. Then at various times, I have problems or flares with several different issues. I always seem to struggle with the neuropathy in my feet and or the raynauds or just swelling and pain. The GI problems are endless. Though they have talked about someday I may have to have a feeding tube, I have always fought that. But with this dismotility and Barretts, some days I actually think just do it and get it over with. I am tired of the pain and wondering what to eat, what I CAN eat.
My skin hurts. My joints hurt. And I feel like I am losing my mind some days. I hate when I feel all whiny and negative. That is not me but darn it all, I hate these illnesses.
The doctors all say to join a support group. Where and which one? Lupus? Scleroderma? Raynauds? Sjogrens? I am at a loss so turned to this site.
Any advice would be helpful. Or just knowing there is someone else out there going through the same thing and understands!
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Hello. I am nearing an official diagnosis. I’ve tested positive for MCTD twice and have a laundry list of symptoms spanning the last 30 years and they are increasing in frequency and intensity. I received my brain MRI results last week with some troubling news. I have Mesial Lobe Sclerosis (but I don’t have high BP, high cholesterol or diabetes and I don’t have epilepsy) and Microvasular Ischemia. Do any of you have those impacts in your brain? If so, how are you being treated to slow the effects down?
I also have two parotid gland tumors. Has anyone dealt with that? Thank you so much for your input. I appreciate it.
Were you diagnosed with mctd then ?
How old were you when you were diagnosed and how old were you when you quit working ? I’m 55 and was just diagnosed with mctd in Sept and thinking I need to file for short term disability to start with to figure out how to heal and control this as I have a lot of brain fog. May need to apply then for longer term disability ins if things don’t improve as my brain just doesn’t work the same and not able to keep up with the workload and expectations anymore .. I think I’ve had this for years but didn’t know what it was and thought it was just depression and fatigue before
How did you get them to give you an MRI? I’ve been asking for one but they haven’t yet felt the need to do one. I was diagnosed with mctd in Sept but have been having brain fog and fatigue for years now and Ive been on hormone replacement therapy so I don’t think it’s related to perimenopause,
I was diagnosed with mctd in Sept and struggling to keep up with my job responsibilities rn and also have 4 direct reports. Just filed for fmla and trying to see if I can get that approved. I wish I could work PT. But have brain fog and fatigue daily. Some days more than others I’m smart but it takes monumental effort to do anything
Jesus…all you have to do . You’re amazing.
I have been having chronic migraines for years and the migraine medicine doesn’t help. Then in May of this year, I started having strange body sensations….what you would expect from an MS diagnosis. It’s a strange tingling followed by a tightening and pulling in that area. I’ve also had muscle fasciculations for almost 4 years that the neurologist originally thought were “benign”. also have Raynaud’s and a whole bunch of other things. All of this together added up to the need for a brain MRI.
@syltejr if you are living in Canada, it is difficult to get an MRI because you always need a doctor’s - often a specialist’s - referral and even then it is difficult to get one because our government health plan won’t pay for one unless it is ordered as a last resort. I have been asking doctors for one for years without success. The most they will do is a CT scan but only if an Ultrasound proves inconclusive.
I am in the U.S.
I have the same issues, sick and throwing up. I have back pain and severe feet issues. They ruled out lupus, raynauds, blue toe I can’t wear socks or shoes. I have blisters around my toe nails and between my toes. The blisters are so big and deep, when they pop it’s under the skin. I have been to rheumatology, dermatology, cardiology, vascular, neurologist, endocrinology, orthopedic. I also see my primary doctor every six months. I have had stomach issues since 1980. I was diagnosed with thyroid in 2000 and type 2 diabetes in 2008 and connective tissue on my feet 2019 and my social life is 0 and I literally only leave the house for a dr. Appointment.