Arthritis in sacroliac pain remedy

Posted by germangal @germangal, Dec 29, 2024

I've developed severe sacroiliac pain with difficulty walking. I had one injection with no change. I've had many spine injections for disk arthritis, siatica with great results. Even shots in my neck with wonderful results. My sacroiliac came suddenly when I started wearing a big brace on my leg. Was walking weird, sleeping weird, I noticed a new pain. I told knee doc and he said quit wearing it. For months now I'm stuck having to lift my leg just to get in my car to drive, walking is so hard too. Before the brace, at 74, I was running around chasing my dogs, climbing on ladders, mowing. Does anyone know new treatments for sacroliac thats working for them?

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I'm only 56 and have the same thing. Sounds exactly like me. I wear an AFO because of foot drop. Walking hurts, sitting hurts, laying on that side hurts. Want a new leg some days. If you find a fix let me know.


Have you had an MRI of the entire spine? Seen a neurologis?


Have you had an MRI of the entire spine? Seen a neurologis?

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Yes, just had a new one. Head to toe. Results next week. Neurologist next week too. I was hoping someone had suggestion with good results or heard of some new thing. I'm not hearing anything hopeful from doctors. Hoping new contrast has something hopeful.


Hello fellow sufferer! I have lots of arthritis in my spine and other joints, but the S.L. joint seems to be a whole new ballgame.
I have found over the years, certain treatments help, at times, the rest of my arthritis, but the S.L. joint reacts differently and not with as much benefit.
My problem is a right S.L. joint, injured by a violent patient 35 years ago. Now that I am in my 70's, it is getting worse.
Presently, I am getting weekly lidocaine nerve blocks in my neck and lower back, hips and of course my S.I. joint.
These help, although benefit varies from week to week.
I do find that there are certain movements that make things much worse. There is a slight movement to the right, or if I quickly move to turn on a 'not flat' surface will suddenly cause pain -- feels like a fault line, with the two surfaces 'grinding' against each other!
I have tried low back belts --- these did not help much, and at times seemed to cause more pain. So far the nerve blocks have helped the pain, but how to correct the problem seems elusive.
I am watching for that new advance on the horizon which may come through with new promise! But in the meantime, I use my ice packs [have a few of different sizes] Gel ice packs work well because they are not thick. I found supportive shoes also helped. When my leg is affected [pain, numbness, tingling], I use my cane[s] or walker -after a lie down with an ice pack. When there is pain, stop your activity.
Use whatever supportive measure that you find helpful. Some physio to learn some exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles may be helpful.
So, in summary, it is a tossed salad of approaches - a little of this and that, so that the whole may give some help.
So glad you have a specialist. Hope this will prove helpful for you.
Please let us know how you get on.
I keep watching this site. If there is a break through, I am sure we will see it here! All the best!


I have Psoriatic Spondylitis snd was diagnosed via MRI with moderate bilateral sacroilitis with sclerosis over full length of both joints, 3 bulging lumbar discs with 27 degree scoliosis as well as half inch lumbar-sacrum listhesis, and hip arthritis about 10 years ago at the age of 49. I went to an outstanding physical therapist who taught me several exercises to do to support and strengthen the area which i have been doing approx 4 days a week ever since. I significantly improved my diet to increase nutrient and protein intake. According to an MRI update i had last month, all of the arthritis is gone and my lumbar is straight. The bulging discs are still there, but the sclerosis is gone. I don't know if that can be done in the 70s, but according to a 90 year old friend of mine, "you dont know what you cant do until you try".


Whoa, you saw a positive change to the sacro.? If I could address that area, my WHOLE life would change. Been very active at 74, a workaholic sinch birth, but self carelessness stopped me. Then falling on knees in a trip stopped me. The leg brace, I am sure, caused my walking off kilter Sacro. begain its unbearable pain. Ive been living in pain for years. It is what it is, but it's made me tolerate more. This area is bringing me down. I'm seeing my muscles everywhere failing from laying around for months. I've thought of acupuncture, but after I ask back doc. He's not sounding good on shots in Sacro. At all. He said some get them fused, but not so great. Ugh


For everyone with body pains, please ask your doctor if warm water PT would be an option for you. We have several park district and private health clubs in my area that offer warm water pools for PT or for your own unsupervised exercise. These options have made it possible for me to function with my multiple body pains. I highly recommend it.


I have Psoriatic Spondylitis snd was diagnosed via MRI with moderate bilateral sacroilitis with sclerosis over full length of both joints, 3 bulging lumbar discs with 27 degree scoliosis as well as half inch lumbar-sacrum listhesis, and hip arthritis about 10 years ago at the age of 49. I went to an outstanding physical therapist who taught me several exercises to do to support and strengthen the area which i have been doing approx 4 days a week ever since. I significantly improved my diet to increase nutrient and protein intake. According to an MRI update i had last month, all of the arthritis is gone and my lumbar is straight. The bulging discs are still there, but the sclerosis is gone. I don't know if that can be done in the 70s, but according to a 90 year old friend of mine, "you dont know what you cant do until you try".

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@pitac- what kind of diet changes have you made? Curios because it sounds similar to my condition (one of them) and I’m a healthy weight, exercise daily, PT at home 5 days a week and I’m a pescatarian, basically eating a Mediterranean type diet but little to no dairy to reduce inflammation. Everything still shows up on MRIs though. Maybe I’m not getting enough protein so I’m wondering what you eat and what type of PT you’ve been doing?

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