Advice on a trip after having Radiation
I had prostate surgery on 8/24 was hoping I was done , PSA was .36 so just had a pet scan showing I need radiation and possibly hormone therapy . I have a trip planned for mid March , treatments might not be completed before maybe 2 weeks before out trip to ST. John , should I cancel trip , sounds like the possibilities of side effects could ruin our trip ?
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Your PSA of .36 after surgery means there is a metastasis somewhere creating PSA. My PSA after surgery was < .1 For 3 1/2 years. No, ADT needed. When it hit .2 I had salvaged radiation.
It would really be helpful to know your Gleason score and your decipher score. The higher The numbers, the more you need to be careful. Higher the scores better chance you need ADT after radiation.
If you have the hormone therapy you can go away on your vacation because your Cancer growth will be stopped and possibly reduced in size even. You could then do the radiation when you get back. There are side effects that will bother you a little bit, but normally it’s not terrible. You can find out how it affects you before you leave.
The side effects for me get worse over time. Glad my ADT after two years is almost over. FATIGUE is intense for me, but maybe not for you.
What is ADT
Hormone therapy.
Androgen deprivation therapy
A PSA of .36 four months after surgery means mets. Delaying treatment to go on the trip provides even more chance for cancer to spread. I lived through 3 bad cancers, all different. I missed a trip to Superbowl in 2020 to have cancer treatment and I'm still going strong at age 75. For me and my family, stopping cancer and it's spread was way more important than a trip. Do what you think is best for you and yours, and best wishes to you.
I agree many thanks for your support
That’s how I felt , your comment makes me me feel I’m making the right decision, again , thank you and hopefully a better new year for us all
It’s a coin toss. I am still having some bowel issues one month out from radiation, but you might not. Best I can tell you….
My suggestion is that you speak with the Radiation Oncologist about the time length of radiation treatments.
I had 37 daily treatments; essentially 8 weeks. And I had significant bowel issues that resolved about 2 weeks following the completion of those treatments. I would not have wanted to travel before my bowel issues abated.
However, there can be delays in the planning process: I needed a 2d simulation to accurately direct the radiation due to hip inplants.
So depending upon how many treatments over what period of time, the mid- March travel could be in jeopardy.
ADT hormone therapy: If part of your treatment, may be initiated prior to the radiation and probably would last beyond. ADT itself slowed me down, but would not have kept me from traveling for a relaxed vacation.
Best wishes.