Throat Radiation After-Effects, Aspiration & Suffocating Mucous
I am a 61-year-old woman that finished the last of 35 radiation treatments last March 2020. Since then, I have had pneumonia and other lung infections which was finally attributed to aspiration of solids and liquids after a barium swallow test. In that regard, I had a feeding tube inserted hoping that would be the beginning of lung healing, although this is not the case. It has been horrible, with shortness of breath, and at times rushing to the ER because I could not catch a breath. All this time I have been on one antibiotic after another, going on 6 months now! The last two months have been Doxycycline 100 mg. twice per day. Obviously the feeding tube has not stopped the feeling of having constant Bronchitis and if I stop taking the Doxycycline, within two days the substance in my lungs begins turning in consistency to that of super-glue. I had a bronchoscopy done 10/2020, which found heavy e-coli in my lungs, and a sputum test revealed "MRSA" and "Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia." The pulmonologist and Infectious Disease doctors have both denied me any more antibiotics, and I understand their concerns, yet, they have no suggestions for me.
As I sit here, it is 3:00 a.m., and I can not sleep due to the gunk in my lungs making it hard to breath. If I quit taking the Doxycycline, I will be hospitalized within 2-days time, or at the Emergency Room again, in terms of not being able to clear the mucous and breathe. I have to go to urgent-care about once-per-month to have the antibiotics, and that doctor feels I should be on them until (if) this subsides.
I feel as if no-one cares about this condition, or, they know what it is but do not want to admit the truth that the radiation caused this. It must be aspiration causing this lung condition, as there was nothing wrong with my lungs before having radiation for cancer of the Pyriform Sinus (part of throat). The cancer is supposedly gone now, and I am thankful for that. I was a fitness nut, that exercised and ate a healthy greens diet, plus a non-smoker.
I asked the pulmonologist nurse before Thanksgiving what I am supposed to do with no antibiotics..."just die?" She laughed at that statement. Yet, they offered no alternative, or help. My ENT Doctor scopes me approximately every 3 months, and claims my throat is still extremely swollen, yet the swelling is subsiding very slowly. For 8 months I could only whisper, but now have my voice back. The ENT said he can finally see my vocal cords, but this thick mucous problem goes on. If you put your fingers on the depressed area of your throat--by the Trachea--that is the area where the mucous seems to be lodged. Again, as long as I am on antibiotics, the thick mucous can be coughed up with the help of a nebulizer of 7% saline. If I am not on antibiotics, the mucous turns into a cement-like substance, whereupon nothing will dislodge it. The hospital gave me IV antibiotics twice, which began clearing it up rather fast.
By the way, I have been to two Pulmonologists, and both are stumped. They both prescribed many different inhalers--Albuterol, Symbicort--others, and if this is any clue, these inhalers make my throat worse. In fact, the last time I used the albuterol was in desperation, and it almost closed up my throat totally. The second-opinion Pulmonologist described that reaction as "very interesting." Currently, not taking solids or liquids by mouth, in hopes this will go away.
Sorry to write all that! This has been submitted hoping someone will instruct me as to where to go from here? Another ENT, or another Pulmonologist?
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So sorry for your loss and sadness. My father left us also on April 20th 2024 after battling to stay with us for months. He had a wonderful run of 97 years and I oversaw his care for 16 years, and was one of his full time caregivers for three years.
Hello 🙂
I read all your stories & first of all wanted to thank you for sharing. I came across them trying to find answers on the internet (not sure if that’s good or not) while we are awaiting results of my relative’s PET scan. She was diagnosed last August with stage 4a throat cancer, and the doctors were optimistic they can cure it as it spread to the lymph nodes only. She went through intense treatment: chemo -radiation, I believe she had 35 radiation with concurrent chemo every 3 weeks. I should mention that she had a PET scan done last August which did not show the cancer anywhere else but throat & lymph nodes. The treatment was difficult, it was painful to see my close relative go through it but it finally ended and little by little she started to feel better & even smile again. This entire time she was unable to eat by month, or not very much anyway. Her feeds are mostly by g-tube still but she does drink liquids & sometimes has some pudding or purred soup. Couple of months after treatment ended she had another scan (regular CT scan) and the oncologist said although the throat cancer seems to be gone, he’s worried they see some small nodules on the lungs now. These were not there during the first scan few months back. They don’t know if it’s cancer that spread, or if it’s an infection from food aspiration as the swallow test she had showed the food going down the wrong way. She’s been having lots of issues with swallowing and thick saliva, coughing etc. We are fearing the worst, but wondering if anyone here experienced lung spots post (seemingly) successful treatment that turned out to be an infection or inflammation? Please share if you have any experience with this.
Thank you in advance. My thoughts & prayers are with everyone battling this disease. Kimi
I am so sorry to hear this. Your suffering is very sad. I have residual side effects post radiation and though tough days with eating....breathing amd choking it is bearable.
I have no advice but I do want you to know that I feel for you.
You are in my prayers. God bless you and I hope you find answers and healing.
What I found works for me; hot water mouth rinse, swallow hot water and hack up the mucus and repeat. Do this first thing in the morning, few times during the day and before bed along with following up with brushing teeth. I brush with a whitening paste followed by Sensodyne and a prescription paste. I don’t rinse after applying the Sensodyne and prescription paste.
Before bed I also swallow 2 tablespoons of olive oil; I recently began this and I do believe that it is helping!