nepanthe, Weight Watchers is like any other weight loss have to stick with it.
I find I do the best simply staying away from fast food restaurants, eating nothing after 6:00 p.m. with the exception of popcorn or an apple and limiting breads and sweets. All of these are hard, but, they work for me.
Also, drinking water, eating more protein as it is filling and moving as much as possible. Try not to skip breakfast....a high protein shake or oatmeal is filling. Eat healthy snacks such as apples or another fruit and also keep walnuts or almonds on hand.
Fad diets just simply do not work for me.
I did the high protein, extremely low carb diet a few years back and paid for the program. I lost the weight, BUT, as soon as I started eating carbs again, I started gaining it back. I also believe we need the complex carbs and just a few simple carbs to be healthy. I did not get enough of the good fats in that particular program and my body paid the price for it.
I think you need to find something that works for you.
Praying for you as I know how hard this is. Losing weight slowly is the best way and just simply portion control and eating healthy. Writing down what you eat (this helps me!) gives you greater self control I think.
I wish you the best. New Year's Blessings to you.....
I so appreciate your response, and I take your insight and experience to heart. I start the wise journey you referred to January 2, 2025.
Wishing you all the best in the New Year.