Hyperparathyroidism caused osteoporosis--now what treatment?
I had hyperparathyroidism for 10 years before my doctor noticed (!!), and as a result developed severe osteoporosis. The parathyroid problem has been fixed (with surgery), and I've been on Tymlos for a year, with no side effects, thankfully. My rheumatologist usually keeps patients on Tymlos for 2 years, then moves to Reclast for 3 years. I am terrified of taking any bisphosphanates, since my teeth are really bad and I could possibly need an extraction in the next year or so. Has anyone had osteoporosis due to hyperparathyroidism? I'm wondering if, now that my PTH levels are normal, maybe my body will start developing new bone on its own and stop resorbing bone. So maybe I don't have to go on Reclast???
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I need some input with this from anyone who can chime in. I was diagnosed with hypercalcemia and severe osteoporosis. The osteoporosis was a diagnosis in 2022/23, and then Hypercalcemia in 2023/24. My labs kept showing a high rate of calcium in the blood, and after multiple labs, I begged my doctor to do more extensive scans, testing. He ordered scans for parathyroid, thyroid, kidney, stomach, heart. All the xrays or scans came back what he called normal, however, my labs tell a different story. Everything in a comprehensive lab testing is off, way off and has been for over, 2years. How if everything is normal on a scan, but the labs aren't, where do I go from here? I have a doctor that has to be pushed in the right direction, or he will do nothing. I have to advocate for my health because he will not take the time to research and do the right things. He is an Internist. Here where I live, there are a shortage of Rheumatologists and so the waiting list is over a year, its like almost 2 years. So, from the Reclast infusion, I had a severe reaction to biophosphinates. Unfortunately, that will not be an option for me because of that, I am still reeling from side effects. How do I find out if this is a parathyroid issue? What are the symptoms, etc? Or something else/ I am frustrated because, I am not getting answers, and my doctor is not proactive, and my health is severely declining. I joined these forums to find other options and knowledge that I can utilize to make informed decisions. Is there correlations between osteoporosis, hypercalcemia, that are really caused by other issues, or are they one in the same?
I am tagging @michaellavacot in the hope he can share with you what he has learned about hypercalcemia and severe osteoporosis. Or at least you can commiserate with each other.
Hi @closetmonster93 - Hypercalcemia with osteoporosis screams primary hyperparathyroidism. While there are other causes you need to check out, the odds are here.
I put together a video segment on hyperparathyroidism based on Dr. John Bilezikian, who is a top osteoporosis doctor. You can watch the segment here https://youtu.be/xKNdqISXkFY?si=80l-T3gQ7iDvVxMw&t=2205 . The entire video should be helpful but this link is to the segment on hyperparathyroidism.
@closetmonster93 your story sounds so familiar.
If your bloodwork shows a high calcium level, and you constantly feel like you have the flu, you need to get someone who is familiar with parathyroid glands. The parathyroid glands regulate the calcium levels in your body, especially your brain. They say, if your calcium is over 10.2 it’s high, and high calcium is almost always caused by a tumor on one of the glands.
It’s not common so most doctors don’t know how to handle it.
You may want to Google Parathyroid,com the site is from a group of surgeons who specialize in parathyroid problems. It is jammed packed with information.
I had my surgery there in Tampa, Fl with Dr. Norman.
I just found something interesting. I have severe knee and shoulder pain in the exact places where the osteoporsis was found. I take Tylenol meds to ease the symptomatic pain. Tylenol has been related to bone thinning. I googled "medications that can cause bone loss"... Hopefully after knee surgery (2/14/25) I will no longer be dependent on this OTC.
2012 (age 68) I was diagnosed with osteopenia. This is the year I began taking Tylenol for knee pain and shots to my knees to add cushioning. I also take a low dose of BP drug called amlodopine (the jury is out as to whether this BP drug can cause low bone density).
I wonder how many on here are taking NSAIDS with their osteoporsis treatments? My Poo-Bah PCP never cautioned me. The print that comes with drugs is so tiny one would need a interstellar telescope to read it. I don't take NSAIDs.
Is .01 or .02% a great result after taking the osteoporsis meds for 2 years? Is there D.O. MD research person monitoring our posts on Mayo Clinic to give input?
Diannemr3, Thanks for the useful information; so glad to have found this support group. We use MyChart by Epic.
Yes!! Is your PCP a GP or an Internist? An internist is better suited to older adults. During Covid Internist appts were scarce. They have begun opening up for new patients.
Thank you! I watched the video. I have access to my medical records going back to 2012. I just reviewed & printed them. Calcium levels show fluctuation. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for bringing up this information about tylenol, I was a user of this constantly because Im allergic to nsaids. I will be more cautious, this was great information.
Thank you so much for this information @SusanEllen66, I have needed this information for so long. Everything you talked about in your response is exactly what I’m experiencing. My calcium level is over 11 off the top of my head. I think it’s 11.4. I am told that the hypercalcemia is so bad that it’s just eating away the bone. I am going to have this brought up at my next appointment in January so I can further look into the parathyroid issue. I did have a scan of the parathyroid, but a scan does not show everything that they need to know the labs are showing something completely different than the scans. Thank you so much for bringing this up.
Go on Youtube. There is a mountain of information on the parathyroid glands (4 glands 2 B exact). What I've learned is that if there is a tumor, it may or may not show up on a scan. There was one surgery where only 1 turmor showed on the scan, the 2nd tumor was hiding. It's a 15 minute day surgery with about a 1" incision. I wish this site would allow links bt it doesn't. Go to youtube.com ... ALWAYS BE PREPARED B4 MEETING W/UR DR. WITH ALL SURGERY THERE R RISKS. The vocal chords are very close to the parathyrid glands. This is the video U will want 2 C ... Parathyroid Operation: State of the art Surgery in 13 minutes by NORMAN PARATHYROID CENTER ... Some of the symptoms I've had for years bt those symptoms mimic other possibilities as well. Best blessings on your journey ...