Sharing brings hope: Connect is open for the holidays

Dec 23, 2024 | Colleen Young, Connect Director | @colleenyoung | Comments (12)

Wishing you moments of peace and joy this holiday season. May the strength we find in our connections and conversations offer light and hope, and support you in health, illness or loss.

Mayo Clinic Connect is a place where experiences connect us, and understanding grows. Our collective compassion is boundless.

As always Mayo Clinic Connect is available throughout the holidays – every day, every hour.

Meet other members, share experiences and find support from people like you.

Thank you for caring together. From all of us at Mayo Clinic Connect, we wish you and yours a healthy and safe season and all the best in the New Year.

Interested in more newsfeed posts like this? Go to the About Connect: Who, What & Why blog.

I love this post. That is why I come to and stay with Mayo Clinic connect,


@colleenyoung Thank you for the beautiful wishes. Thank you for all that you do for everyone on Mayo Clinic Connect.


Thank you, Coleen. Wishing you and all members here the best of each day this holiday season. You are all so generous to share your experiences to help others. I am so thankful for you all.


Thank you @colleenyoung for the beautiful message and for all that you do each day to make this community a welcoming environment for us all. Your comments are always so helpful and caring. As you stated, the collective compassion of the members here has a power of its own. Thank you for using that phrase to express this benefit so well.

This community has had such a positive impact on my life as I move forward as a blood cancer survivor. I feel so fortunate to be a part of it and for encountering so many inspiring people. My thanks and warmest holiday wishes to you, the amazing mentors, and all of the members.


I am very grateful to Connect, all the volunteers, and everyone here in the same boat and willing to share!


@nohrt4me, thank you for mentioning the volunteer Mentors, trusted fellow members of the community. They are literally the backbone on this community.

Meet the mentors and learn more about what they do here:

I also would like to acknowledge the vital role of
- Super Helpers who check in every day to Mayo Clinic Connect to see who might need a hug, tips, or simply a listening ear.
- Greeters, who make a point of welcoming new members who post for the first time.
- New members, who are brave enough to ask a question even about the tough and taboo subjects.

It takes a village to create this community. Together we do better.


Wishing you a joyful Christmas!
Thank you for being an unsung hero. You quietly watch out for all of us, making sure all questions/concerns are addressed, providing us with the useful links/connections, debunking misinformation/disinformation. Take a lot of effort and care to do that! Thank you Colleen.


@nohrt4me, thank you for mentioning the volunteer Mentors, trusted fellow members of the community. They are literally the backbone on this community.

Meet the mentors and learn more about what they do here:

I also would like to acknowledge the vital role of
- Super Helpers who check in every day to Mayo Clinic Connect to see who might need a hug, tips, or simply a listening ear.
- Greeters, who make a point of welcoming new members who post for the first time.
- New members, who are brave enough to ask a question even about the tough and taboo subjects.

It takes a village to create this community. Together we do better.

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Thank you, Colleen and Connect for being a beautiful place to land for so many who benefit from shared experience and support. Happy holidays to the community, mentors, moderators and our #1 director!!


Colleen, many thanks to you and Mayo Connect for the support, connection, and information you provide. You and your colleagues have been an immeasurable help to me.


@nohrt4me, thank you for mentioning the volunteer Mentors, trusted fellow members of the community. They are literally the backbone on this community.

Meet the mentors and learn more about what they do here:

I also would like to acknowledge the vital role of
- Super Helpers who check in every day to Mayo Clinic Connect to see who might need a hug, tips, or simply a listening ear.
- Greeters, who make a point of welcoming new members who post for the first time.
- New members, who are brave enough to ask a question even about the tough and taboo subjects.

It takes a village to create this community. Together we do better.

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I am so grateful to have come back to this site. The past 3 years learning about my body versus Neuroendocrine Cancer really left me feeling alone.
I have learned to reach out in a safe forum like this one to keep me getting answes, but possibly l can help other's with my journey.
So, thank you all for our future NEW Chapter of our Lives!

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