Fibromyalgia pain: Let's connect

Posted by clownscrytoo @clownscrytoo, Oct 22, 2016

Is there anyone here that suffers from fibro? I had the 'tender spot test' several years ago and I had 17 out of the 18. I try my hardest to get through the pain with my 4 hydrocodone/acetaminaphine pills a day, Tiger Balm rubbed into areas that are the worst, light exercises, and distracting myself with hobbies or chores, etc; but there are many occasions where none of that helps and I spend most of the day holding down the couch, getting up about 30-45 minutes after that, walking/standing around the house for 15-20 minutes, or sitting for about 15-30 min. I do not drive and my husband works 6 days a week, overtime almost every day, so I'm alone a lot. my wonderful husband is very supportive and I am very grateful for that, but my only other friends are online, out of state, and I will probably never even get to meet them. when extreme pain takes over, my depression takes over and it is so difficult to find hope. does anyone have tips for fibro, whether diet or over-the-counter meds (I've tried them all, I think), or anything, besides hobbies and such? I've tried every over-the-counter med, and the Tiger Balm does cover some of what the pain pill doesn't help, but I'm hoping one of our members might have some knowledge that could help. I'd really appreciate it.

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@migizii My doctor said a way to tell if I'm in a Fibro flare is if my pain suddenly jumps on the pain scale by 3 points or more and if another symptom worsens suddenly. So let's say my pain level is usually a 4 but now it's 7 or higher and my normally clear head is now foggy, and I'm extremely tired....that's my sign of flare.
You mentioned you take meds for migraines. Do you take any meds for Fibro?

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I do not take any meds specific to fibromyalgia, but your description is very helpful to discuss at my next Dr appt.


@sandytoes Hi Jen Since I told you about fibro magic I was doing research on the fibro website and magnesium as to which is best they recommend ,m.malete,glutanate, not oxide which is in f.m so I just started the Mag.malete to see if it helps me better Its all a guessing game been on all the meds know worked out for me to many side effects. My Tramadol @Meloxican are pain savers for me .

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What is my Tramadol @Meloxican? Thx everyone for all your help!


What is my Tramadol @Meloxican? Thx everyone for all your help!

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@migizii I use Tramadol for pain for my back had a L2fracture in 05 but my backs a wreck The Meloxican for O.A Doing research on fibro and magnesium I just started on Magnesium Malete no fibro pain today


@migizii I use Tramadol for pain for my back had a L2fracture in 05 but my backs a wreck The Meloxican for O.A Doing research on fibro and magnesium I just started on Magnesium Malete no fibro pain today

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Thx so much for your response! Doyouhave to sign a controlled substance agreement with your clinic to get a prescription for tramadol? I was told I had to do this now that I have a new provider. I have not signed it as other people I know have had trouble if needing emergency care as the hospital thinks you are a drug seeker instead of being there for a real emergency. Has anyone else had to sign something like this or run into this type of problem?


Myinsurance that has drug coverage (65+) through a university changed midyear(go by academic rather than calendar year) and I was most surprised that the tramadol prescription I had been taking since 2008 for fibromyalgia now requires doctor preapproval with mid year change. That approval, once given, is good for one year, pharmacist says. So when I next fill the RX by refill, it should go smoothly, unlike this first time as the RX part of insurance change to mirror almost identically Medicare Part D. I suddenly had to get only one week supply....and luckily got that,,..while they waited for doc to send in authorization that I should receive as prescribed. I don’t like this, have no choice about the way the employer has chosen to change, but the change is valid I discovered by calling the RX part of my health plan,


Thx so much for your response! Doyouhave to sign a controlled substance agreement with your clinic to get a prescription for tramadol? I was told I had to do this now that I have a new provider. I have not signed it as other people I know have had trouble if needing emergency care as the hospital thinks you are a drug seeker instead of being there for a real emergency. Has anyone else had to sign something like this or run into this type of problem?

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@migizii Hi No my Dr never asked me to sign anything In 05 when I fractured my back that's the drug my Dr gave me then 4 a day now 1-2as. needed I'm in Calif Maybe it depends on the Tier for the drug there are far worse drugs then Tramadol Ask your Dr advocate for yourself See what your Dr says


@migizii Hi No my Dr never asked me to sign anything In 05 when I fractured my back that's the drug my Dr gave me then 4 a day now 1-2as. needed I'm in Calif Maybe it depends on the Tier for the drug there are far worse drugs then Tramadol Ask your Dr advocate for yourself See what your Dr says

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@lioness Hi Lioness, how are you feeling?......Karen


@lioness Hi Lioness, how are you feeling?......Karen

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@karen00 I'm feeling pretty good If I didn't have sciatica now If he a lot better As for fibromyalgia this is the 2nd day I've only taken Magnesium Malete for fibro I think it maybe helping me better then Fibro Malic Thanks for asking hope your doing well


@karen00 I'm feeling pretty good If I didn't have sciatica now If he a lot better As for fibromyalgia this is the 2nd day I've only taken Magnesium Malete for fibro I think it maybe helping me better then Fibro Malic Thanks for asking hope your doing well

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@lioness magnesium maleate? I’ve heard of that. I think there’s 2 magnesiums and just 1 is best for fibro. Interested to see how you do-please let me know!


@lioness magnesium maleate? I’ve heard of that. I think there’s 2 magnesiums and just 1 is best for fibro. Interested to see how you do-please let me know!

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@karen00, malic acid is also very helpful for fibro, especially when taken with 800 mg. of magnesium daily.

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