As promised, my successful tapering off Effexor (Venlafaxine)
Below you will find the tapering plan that I used to successfully wean myself off Effexor (Venlafaxine). Feel free to share this with your doctor If you would like. I researched and came up with this plan, which was approved by my doctor, although she thought I could probably have weaned myself off sooner. But the reality is that we all have differing tolerance levels for tapering and weaning off this powerful drug from our bodies. Some people can taper faster, but usually not those who have been on this drug for years (like myself, since October 2002). I tapered off EffexorXR 150mg capsules about 5 years ago down to 75mg, and was on that maintenance dosage for a couple of years until I started weaning off the 75mg a year ago in April 2019. As of October, 2029, I’ve been withdrawal symptom free, but I still have occasional periods of anxiety when triggered. But I realize these waves of anxiety will soon pass, and I cope by deep breathing, taking a walk, having a cup of chamomile tea, etc. Cutting my exposure to watching upsetting news has really helped a lot as well. These days I seek things that bring joy and peace in such a turbulent world. Wishing you all a successful weaning off this powerful drug.
Weaning off Venlafaxine XR 75mg (Effexor-(extended release)capsules:
Weaning plan off plan that worked for BSS:
1. Inform your doctor you are tapering down from 75 mg Venlafaxine and ask them to prescribe 37.50 tabs to help with tapering doses (1/2 dosage down from 75 mg Venlafaxine capsules). The tabs are easier to cut into halves and quarter dosages than counting out beads from the capsules.
2. Begin your taper only after you are on a non-withdrawal symptomatic dosage level. If you were having w/d symptoms at 75 mg, you’ll need to go back to the level at which you were symptomless and stay there for 2-3 weeks before deceasing to a slow taper. NOTE: after successfully tapering from 150mg Venlafaxine down to 75mg for a month, I was unable to tolerate a drop cold turkey from a daily dosage of 75mg down to 37.50mg (50%) without having bothersome withdrawal symptoms of dizziness, brain fog, brain zaps, and nausea. So after researching various tapering plans, I came up with a slower tapering schedule my body could tolerate to finish the tapering from 75mg to 37.50mg, and then on to complete the tapering. Your body may even need slower tapering, so adjust according.
3. Week 1-2: Take 75mg caps MWFSu; take 37.50mg tab on alternate days Tu,Th, Sa. At the end of week 2, if you only have relatively mild to no withdrawal symptoms, proceed to week 3. IMPORTANT: If you have intolerable symptoms, adjust to a slower tapering schedule by adding an additional 1/2 tab on the alternate days (or take a total of one and a half 37.50 tabs on alternate days). You’ll then have to tweak the rest of your tapering schedule. If all goes well, proceed with week 3.
4. Week 3-4: Cut a few 37.50 tabs in half with a pill cutter or exacto knife blade to create quarter pieces. Take 37.50mg tab on MWFSu and take 3/4 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa.
5. Week 5-6: Take 3/4 of a tab MWFSu, and take 1/2 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. If only mild symptoms, proceed to week 5.
6. Week 7-8: Take 1/2 tab on MWFSu; and take 1/4 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. If no symptoms, continue to week 7.
7. Week 9-10: Take 1/4 tab on MWFSu; and take 1/8 tab (cut 1/4 tabs in half) on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. *Notice the quartering of doses into crumbs now...very important to keep small dosage tapering to remain withdrawal symptom free.
8. Week 11-12: Take 1/8 tab crumb on MWFSu; take none on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. *If skipping alternate days produces symptoms, stay on 1/8 tab crumbs for a couple of weeks before alternating skip days for a couple of weeks.
You’ll find that this schedule may have to be tweaked for you by extending the time you stay on a taper...possibly up to 3-4 weeks before beginning a new tapering down. It all depends on how you tolerate the first two weeks.
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in reply to @jeffc16 Great Job! I was able to taper off of this awful drug using the tapering schedule found on this site, and it worked. Did I already mention that my pharmacist, who helped me, told me that not only was Effexor an awful drug, but harder to get off than heroin. Imagine that. I understand that anxiety post tapering, and someone offered me some CBD to "take the edge off," but I ended up using klonopin that I have on hand "just in case," which seems to be more "just in case" lately.
Christmas time is a very difficult time for many of us. On a personal level, my father died on 12/26. Boxing Day, in 1995, and it has never been the same. In fact ,I listened to the first holiday song this evening that I have listened to in years, and a line caught my attention: "I want everyone to come knocking at my door...." I did attend the children's service at my church this evening, and even though I cried during the entire service, the kids were so cute in their costumes and at the end of the service we were all given real candles, the lights went out and we all sang, "silent night," It was beautiful. And just because I am in the giving mood, I gave my driver (I use a public transportation service that sends a car out, $5 each way, all Muslims...) a gift(s) for him and his family, including something that I recently "found" shoved in a corner at my sister's house last week, something she had wanted to toss out, but could not. A great Sony walkman that the kids can use to listen to the radio. My sister will never know the difference, so I figured I would pass it along, saving her the time and grief of dealing with it...alone. Overall, I think this will be a good holiday. I have a lot to be grateful for, listening to music I used to listen to in college, dancing around my apartment and talking to my dead dog's olive tree that is lit up like a Christmas tree surrounded by cute stuffed bears. It works. "Ducky, look what I got for you.." LOL. Finally, I am at peace. I will see my demented friend tomorrow, feed her and then just "be." "Be" happier than my birth family as they are all so miserable even tho they have more money than god. Living a humble existence has taught me to appreciate what I do have, and not long for what I do not have. However, I am a bit nervous about my breast MRI on 12/27, given I just read the mammogram report and saw that my risk is 29 percent. Gee, I wish someone had explained that to me, but I am not worried. I have already faced my worse demons, and I can handle just about anything, alone with my "family" of friend and confidants who accept me, love me and appreciate my existence. I was pleasantly surprised to open a card my pharmacist gave me which contained a $100 gift card from Walmart. Wow. She is like a sister to me, and even tho "they" are not supposed to befriend customers, we keep it on the "lowdown" if you know what I mean. I wish you a very happy holiday. This week I made cards for winter solstice instead of christmas, and that made all the difference. Just think what a rich life you have lived, as you look at all those folks on Facebook. I imagine you are feeling better now that the worst part of the Effexor is over. Congratulations my friend. Happy new year
I appreciate this detailed and helpful information. I'm currently t,y on 37.5 and have been for a few years. I have the capsules but am going to request the tabs for my next prescription. My doc had suggested 5 htp for helping with weaning. I wonder if that would be good at the point where no Effexor is being taken on alternate days. I've put this off because I don't know how much it will affect my day to day life. I'll admit, I'm also fearful of miserable side effects! Thank you, I'm glad you are doing well.
You sound like strong person. You have a great attitude and are handling life in a positive way. I’m glad you had good friends along the way, like your pharmacist. God provides. Adversity can make us stronger, and it sounds like it has for you.
My pharmacist has created an equivalent dosage of Effexor in liquid form, which is easier to decrease over time than the capsules or tablets, though I can count the beads in a capsule if I have to. Please note, however, that those who are most knowledgeable on tapering do not recommend skipping or alternating doses/days. See The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines published last year; also
Thank you! The liquid would be helpful.
Thank you. Liquid form seems like it would work well. I wonder if I could find a pharmacist who would do that.
You can find a compounding pharmacist by looking on internet
Thank you. I’ll check that out.
I am hoping to get off Effexor for good this year. I originally went on it for hot flashes, but I liked how I was not so scattered. The one side effect that I can't stand is the weight gain.
I applaud you successfully tapering off Effexor but I also wonder if you truly suffered from depression.
Depression is genetic and if you truly suffered from it you will always suffer from it.
Exercise is a great way to help deal with depression but that alone will not make it go away.
For anyone reading this post who truly suffers from depression you know what I am talking about. Find a drug or drugs that work and keep taking them.
Much like there is no cure for alcoholism there is no cure from depression. Rather it is how you choose to deal with it.
This person who posted how she weaned off Effexor didn’t really suffer from depression. Those that do suffer from depression know that and know what happens when you stop taking your antidepressants.
This comes from someone who does suffer from depression and successfully treats it.
Good luck to all of you who truly suffer from depression.