Newly diagnosed MDS-IB2 and vidaza
Mom is 87, newly diagnosed MDS… initially she agreed to Vidaza but now she is looking for first hand information on its side effects.. She is happy to let this run its course but I would like her to take the vidaza injections until it either proves to not be of help to her or the side effects to be unpleasant….so at least one round of 5 injections.
She is having zero issues like fatigue or whatnot and has zero complaints. Her anemia was discovered after having afib post covid. Yesterday’s bloodwork showed platelets are 47, RBC 4.2, hemoglobin 12.3, hct 37.7, wbc 3.5
Bone marrow testing is 10% blasts
Molecular eval found mutations at DNMT3A, PHF6, and TET2.
Trying to learn as much as I can as quick as I can to help her with her decision-making.
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Blasts immature white blood cells waiting to develop into specialized cells. They’re generally only found inside the bone marrow though it’s not to say there won’t be a couple floated around in the blood stream. When they appear in the peripheral blood in greater volumes it can be an indication of a more serious issue.
A routine CBC would not break down the white blood cells into sufficient detail. For that, your mom will need a CBC with Differential.
With your mom’s blood cancer history, I’m expecting she’s been getting CBC’s with Differential. You can tell this by looking on previous lab results to see if there’s a reading for blasts, total WBC or Leukocytes, and Absolute Neutrophils.
How’s your mom been feeling?
Thanks for such a quick answer…
Mom is feeling great… zero issues
She is firm in her decision for no treatment and is scheduled fir her first blood draw since her diagnosis/decision on January 7
So is CBC with differential gonna be the route to a clinical change in her condition??
She had bloodwork the day of diagnosis and I see WBC of 3.5, absolute neutrophils of 1120.0 but I don’t see leukocytes at all…
Her diagnostic reports are from Mayo Clinic although the procedure was done locally in South Louisiana.
Looking at your following reply, along with this one, the numbers you posted were from a CBC with differential. That is likely the route that will be followed to detect clinical changes. Considering your mom is electing to forego any treatments I doubt there will be followup bone marrow biopsies or scans.
Happy to hear she’s doing great! Have a lovely holiday season!
Correct will consent to blood tests to monitor and will decide on whether she will consent to receiving blood products as her journey warrants ….
I think she should receive blood products as advised when needed but time will tell ….
Thank you for your kind words and I hope you and yours also have a wonderful holiday season…
Hope you continue to do well…..