Living with MDS

Posted by momz @momz, Sep 4, 2023

I finally got my answer to what I have and trying to wrap my mind around it.
I am an ovarian cancer survivor of 20 years and have MDS for the last 7
Currently on watch and hate to even say wait!! What is the longest someone has had with no treatments? And what was the reason for treatment when it was needed?

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I've had two bone marrow biopsy. As for sequencing I don't believe so.


My husband was on watch and wait for 2.5 years. Hgb was down to 8, he had heart stents in March, and vascular surgery on both legs (Oct/Dec). Docs want his hgb. higher for optimum healing and health. First shot yesterday, so now we watch and wait to see how it helps. 🙏🙏🙏 Good luck to you! ❤️

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