Need decision help how to proceed with hearing aids, your experience

Posted by charlotte12 @charlotte12, Dec 11, 2024

Right now I have hearing aids through the audiologist who is connected to an ENT clinic. My trial period is about to end, no insurance coverage,
cost $3200 for Phonak, paid already $1200 for the trail period with refund guarantee, the hearing aids are good, the issue is the cost. Costco may have comparable, good hearing aids with less costs, same benefits in warranty, ... Costco will accept my audiogram since it is less than 6 months old. Is it worth to invest $65 Costco membership, travel, appointment time to save some $? Did you do something like this?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hearing Loss Support Group.


There are a couple very active HLAA chapters in Colorado. Have you affiliated with them? As I have said before, if the people who have hearing loss would get on the bandwagon to effect change, more attention would be given to hearing loss. There are obviously reasons why this doesn't happen. Unfortunately.

The Americans with Disabilities Act clearly states that if people do not ask for accommodations of venues, they need not be provided. There are tons of hearing loops in the USA, but most are in regions where HLAA members have educated and advocated for them. That is just a reality.

Your concerns are legitimate. AARP does give coverage to hearing loss, but infrequently. There are so many other aging issues to cover. Not excusing them, but realistically speaking.

No easy answers or solutions.

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Very well said. No easy answers or solutions.
I have had a very stressful year but I will join my local chapter. If not this year because of the holidays but for sure in January.


Tell me more about putting a loop in your home. Who can do it and how much does it cost?
As far as other venues in Denver having telecoil systems I can only speak to movie theaters and when I ask they look at me like I am speaking a foreign language and suggest a clumsy device to hang around my neck. Quite frankly it is cumbersome and I have removed it and gone back to my hearing aids.
Lawyers have made a living filing lawsuits when restaurants and other venues don’t provide access for handicapped people to get in and out and use the restroom. Why don’t people with hearing loss get the same consideration.
Telecoils would be great if every venue had to install them just like Auracast will be great if it works universally all over the country. We really don’t have anyone that is strongly advocating for us because we don’t use our voices and sheet numbers to demand it and our elected representatives don’t demand it.
Do you ever read anything about hearing loss in the AARP bulletin or magazine?
I know they are working on finding a way to restore hearing loss in adults by bringing back damaged or destroyed hair cells but where is the urgency and demand from the hearing impaired? There are millions of us in the United States and yet we are invisible. We are paying obscene amounts of money for hearing aids and many lack the insurance to help pay for them. Medicare doesn’t deem it important enough to pay for or considers it cosmetic. CI’s are covered if you can meet their loss of hearing standards but research has been painfully slow in this country.
Just sharing my frustration for all the people that suffer in silence because hearing loss just doesn’t get a seat at the table for far too many people.
Come on people. Demand more attention from AARP. I read about research to restore eye sight but nothing about restoring hearing loss. Until we do we will be at the mercy of overworked Audiologists and overpriced hearing aid manufacturers.

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Some resources for you
AARP hearing loss portal
There is quite a lot of research about hearing loss restoration with the regeneration of hair cells. Here's one recent posting


Tell me more about putting a loop in your home. Who can do it and how much does it cost?
As far as other venues in Denver having telecoil systems I can only speak to movie theaters and when I ask they look at me like I am speaking a foreign language and suggest a clumsy device to hang around my neck. Quite frankly it is cumbersome and I have removed it and gone back to my hearing aids.
Lawyers have made a living filing lawsuits when restaurants and other venues don’t provide access for handicapped people to get in and out and use the restroom. Why don’t people with hearing loss get the same consideration.
Telecoils would be great if every venue had to install them just like Auracast will be great if it works universally all over the country. We really don’t have anyone that is strongly advocating for us because we don’t use our voices and sheet numbers to demand it and our elected representatives don’t demand it.
Do you ever read anything about hearing loss in the AARP bulletin or magazine?
I know they are working on finding a way to restore hearing loss in adults by bringing back damaged or destroyed hair cells but where is the urgency and demand from the hearing impaired? There are millions of us in the United States and yet we are invisible. We are paying obscene amounts of money for hearing aids and many lack the insurance to help pay for them. Medicare doesn’t deem it important enough to pay for or considers it cosmetic. CI’s are covered if you can meet their loss of hearing standards but research has been painfully slow in this country.
Just sharing my frustration for all the people that suffer in silence because hearing loss just doesn’t get a seat at the table for far too many people.
Come on people. Demand more attention from AARP. I read about research to restore eye sight but nothing about restoring hearing loss. Until we do we will be at the mercy of overworked Audiologists and overpriced hearing aid manufacturers.

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Dave, there area a few options for putting in a hearing loop in your home. One could, depending on one's home, somewhat easily install a home loop system. You need a Hearing loop driver or amplifier to hook up to your TV which powers the wire laid around the perimeter of the room or on the basement ceiling to provide the electromagnetic signal to connect to your telecoils in your hearing aids. Or, you could also just get a chair loop pad, which also needs a driver. You would want to make sure you don't have too much other electromagnetic interference before you purchase the items. I am aware of one company in the Denver area that focuses on hearing loop installation. I don't know anything about them but came across them doing my own research. Always encourage researching.
Erin Nichols 877-338-1084
They might check your house for EM interference, possibly for free if you purchase from them and they install. I plan to put a loop system in this winter. My basement ceiling is unfinished so just need to loop the wire around and hook it up. Good luck. Be sure to connect with the CO HLAA chapters and be sure read up info on and


Dave, there area a few options for putting in a hearing loop in your home. One could, depending on one's home, somewhat easily install a home loop system. You need a Hearing loop driver or amplifier to hook up to your TV which powers the wire laid around the perimeter of the room or on the basement ceiling to provide the electromagnetic signal to connect to your telecoils in your hearing aids. Or, you could also just get a chair loop pad, which also needs a driver. You would want to make sure you don't have too much other electromagnetic interference before you purchase the items. I am aware of one company in the Denver area that focuses on hearing loop installation. I don't know anything about them but came across them doing my own research. Always encourage researching.
Erin Nichols 877-338-1084
They might check your house for EM interference, possibly for free if you purchase from them and they install. I plan to put a loop system in this winter. My basement ceiling is unfinished so just need to loop the wire around and hook it up. Good luck. Be sure to connect with the CO HLAA chapters and be sure read up info on and

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Here's info on TV/home hearing loops


Hi Group! I am 54 and have been told that I have moderate-severe hearing loss (runs in the family on my dad's side). My insurance does not cover hearing aids and I've tried cheap internet hearing aids but they were too big for my ears. I'm back in school (getting my MSW), and I'm having a difficult time hearing the instructors.... large bare rooms are the worst! Any suggestions until I get better insurance (hopefully after I graduate in 2 years)? Gadgets, gizmos, specific cheap hearing aids that might work for smaller ears? Thanks 😊


@constances: I have not tested other hearing aids, besides Phonak for 30 days, ($3200 at the audiologist, with certain perks, like 3 year warranty time, free adjusting,...). The item is made in Vietnam and Philippines. I'm still looking.


Constance, have you tried Costco to see if they have a hearing aid that works with a microphone (like the multimic with a Resound HA)? Are you able to sit up front in the classroom? Also, have you tried speech-to-text app that records what is being said so that you can review it later after class, e.g., Otter?


My spouse (Family History) HAD RX hearing aids for free and conviently lost them because of not liking "hearing other peoples conversations". . I hear other people all the time I said and It's OK to hear..lost on the spouse. Refused adjustment follow up.
30 years later. I been offering to buy new and has No interest. I don't know her freqs but the tv is always up to 70+/100 and I hear well at 12/100. When I talk to her she ends up saying I'm Yelling! And crying ensues. We are at a point she just wants to Die instead of hearing aids... IDK.


My spouse HAD RX hearing aids for free and conviently lost them because of not liking "hearing other peoples conversations". Refused adjustment follow up. I hear other people all the time I said It's OK to hear..lost on the spouse.
30 years later. I been offering to buy new and has No interest. I don't know her freqs but the tv is always up to 70+/100 and I hear 12/100. When I talk to her she ends up saying I'm Yelling! And crying ensues. We are at a point she just wants to Die instead of hearing aids... IDK.


My spouse HAD RX hearing aids for free and conviently lost them because of not liking "hearing other peoples conversations". Refused adjustment follow up. I hear other people all the time I said It's OK to hear..lost on the spouse.
30 years later. I been offering to buy new and has No interest. I don't know her freqs but the tv is always up to 70+/100 and I hear 12/100. When I talk to her she ends up saying I'm Yelling! And crying ensues. We are at a point she just wants to Die instead of hearing aids... IDK.

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I unfortunately have had to wear hearing aids for probably around eight years now.
Do I like them? Not really but the alternative is not being able to hear the people I love.
Do I hope they continue to improve? The answer is most definitely. My latest pair are far superior to my first pair.
Do I hope they find a way to regrow hair cells in my ears to restore my hearing? Most definitely but at age 73 I am a realist. It might be too late for me but not for my six year old granddaughter that was born with mild to moderate hearing loss.
Long story short tell your wife she is missing many things in life and you would like her to turn down the TV set and stop saying you are yelling at her.
Best of luck to both of you.

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