RA meds hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate (injection)
I have RA and Sjögren’s and due to chronic and debilitating back & neck pain for 24 months, I finally agreed to start hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate after two MRI’s confirmed spine damage from RA. I’m on my 4th month of taking the meds. I am a 67 year old female and have been using natural remedies for pain management for years, but they stopped working for the spine pain. I was resistant to taking these meds due to side effects but they seem to be helping with keeping the pain at a more manageable level. My issue is I now have 24/7 eye pain and blurry vision. I see an eye specialist every month and he’s treating the conditions, ie, tear duc plugs, 3 different eyes drop medications, etc, but no relief yet. Is anyone else having chronic eye problems with these meds? Thank you!
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My best to you with your symptoms. At 69 yrs, I work w/many symptoms f/MS, lupus, Sjogren's, RA. Similar to your eyes, I have had eye plugs, very blurry vision, etc & even w/same meds as you over yrs +Rituxan past 9 yrs every 4 mos. On Methotrexate, I was getting severe headaches over my eyes-similar to my past migraines & discontinued. I find the Sjogren's, itself, has caused most of my eye symptoms. Eye specialist agree w/my choice of over counter eye drops x4 hrs, moist wash cloth on eyes 2-3x's day, plugs, humidifier a must. Tried many drops, always return to Refresh for my best results. I hope you find suggestions from others that may help.
hydroxychloroquine Helped my sjogrens dryness symptoms a lot.
Wish you well.
Eye exams are highly encouraged with Hydroxicloroquine generally -
Have you had a thorough ophthalmological exam recently? Go to a ophthalmologist in your city that has a good reputation -you can ask around to your friends-
Because there may be something else going on there or something going on related to your Sjogren's disease.
Best of luck to you
I’m so sorry you are suffering so badly. I don’t know if this will help or not, but my eye doctor gave me an eye drop called Ivizia, they are natural without preservatives and they are the only eye drop that doesn’t make my eyes feel worse than before I used them. They are over the counter. I have several food sensitivities and also suffer from loss of taste/smell for 2 years (2 years ago today) from Covid. The drops help relieve my dry eyes and I find that I don’t need to use them every day. It’s just something I thought might help you. Good luck!
I agree. My opthalmologist suggests every 6 months.
Thank you for sharing! I feel very isolated at times and it’s hard to get others to understand how frustrating the 24/7 eye discomfort is. I too use Refresh 3/4 times per day and a reuseable eye mask that I heat in the microwave. The eye specialist says it is the Sjogrens that is at the root of the problems but that the RA doesn’t help. Appreciate your input.
That is really good to know! I am afraid of the side effects of the RA medications but if it will help with the dry eye issues then I feel hopeful. Appreciate the response.
Agree! I get an eye exam every 3 months. Thank you!
Thank you!!!