Anyone else find the side effects of Hydrea 500MG frightening?
I was diagnosed with having a blood cancer that looks and acts a lot like Polycythemia Vera (PV) about 6 years ago. I’ve been rolling along ok with (mostly monthly) phlebotomies, until a year or so ago. At that point my white blood cells and (most importantly) my platelet levels started to increase. The doc did a 2nd bone marrow extraction but I STILL tested negative for PV. After a CT scan and other tests were done to rule out any possible hidden bodily infections, my doc prescribed Hydrea 500 MG. I filled the script about a week and a half ago…and it is still sitting in a bag on my counter, unopened. I got seriously freaked out when I researched the drug and found all those nasty side effects associated with the drug.
Now, I’m sitting here knowing that my platelet count as of 3 days ago was 987 (over twice the normal level limit) and that I could throw a blood clot at anytime. I was holding off taking the drug, to get an appointment with a hematologist/oncologist for a 2nd opinion, but that appointment isn’t for another 10 days - I’m a nervous wreck! I do not want to take the chance with hydrea but I don’t want to clot. I don’t even have a real diagnosis other than suspicion of bone marrow cancer or the beginning stages of it….
I’d be curious to hear about what others have experienced while on this drug. Much appreciated!
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Hola, tengo 42 años y hace 10 qué tomo hidroxiurea. Actualmente estoy con 2 cápsulas 6 veces x semana y 3 cápsulas el día restante.
El cabello desde q empecé a tomar la hidroxiurea ha caído bastante, pero siempre tengo crecí9por lo cuál aunque tengo menos volumen, tengo cabello.
También tengo dolor en las piernas y fatiga constante que generalmente mejora al ponerme en movimiento.
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I have been on hydroxyurea for 6 years and have recently had a lot of hair thinning and some leg pain, too. I feel ok, but I do plan to ask the doctor if I could reduce my dosage a little. I notice that you are taking quite a large dose, and I wonder if your doctor has ever suggested reducing it? And, yes, moving around helps me, too! Cheers!
He tomado una dosis más alta aún hasta que por fin mis plaquetas llegaron a 500 y mi hematologo quiere mantener ahora esta dosis para que no suban.
Realmente preferiría tomar una dosis más baja aunque las plaquetas estén más altas ya que he empezado muy joven y me preocupan los efectos secundarios a largo plazo..
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I'd rather deal with HU than deal with stroke or heart attack......those sound scary to me......everyone has their own risk tolerance.......all the best....
Yes, if you have to take it, you have to. Just that sometimes dosages can be lowered, but docs don't suggest it if you don't seem too upset. If you say, "I want to be compliant, but this symptom is really getting me down ..." sometimes they'll take a second look.
I was very much against it, however I didn't want to be that girl who wouldn't give it a go. It is the first line
of defense. Everything following is stronger and worse. It's been on the market 50 years. My symptoms are
manageable. Little stomach issue now and then, diarrhea but all is well. I have one been on it for about 3
weeks. I take the 500s but only every other day. That's a good way to start. Good Luck to you and best
Welcome new members @mocat47 and @juelie
@mocat47, I can understand the reluctance to taking a cytoxic agent. Your story demonstrates how not everyone experiences side effects. What a relief that an adjustment to the dosage of hydroxyurea is working for you. Yes, better than suffering a stroke.
@juelie, you might be interested in these related discussions:
- Hair loss with ET and on hydroxyurea
- People living with ET and taking Hydrea: Anybody setting records
I’ve been on HU for 7 months after being diagnosed with essential thrombocytopenia. Platelet count approached 1000 after open heart surgery. Docs thought it might be a “reactive” response to the surgery. Follow-up tests revealed JAK-2 mutation. Never had a blood (platelet) value issue prior to surgery.
My feeling is I acquired JAK-2 through blood transfusions received during bypass surgery. My hematologist doesn’t think so but didn’t say it was not possible. Anyhow, no side effects from HU except for late day fatigue.
Patients have the mutation many years before it affects blood levels. Researchers seem to think it's unlikely that the mutation is passed via transfusion. That said, MPN patients are not supposed to give blood or donate organs, I presume because "unlikely" is not the same as "impossible."
Perhaps so. It appears to be too coincidental that my platelet count went out of control almost immediately after surgery. Two routine blood tests taken about 2 to 4 months prior to surgery were normal. 4 blood tests taken the day of surgery and 4 blood tests taken one to two days post surgery were normal.
Six days post surgery, my platelet count was 652 and kept increasing from that point on. Unlikely? Impossible? How about highly probable!!
I can’t be the only person out there that has exhibited this problem as a post surgical event.
JAK-2 is not rested for in donated blood because of its rarity. Draw your own conclusions.