Anyone seen research on long term Proton Pump Inhibitor use and PN?
Anyone seen research on long term OTC Proton Pump Inhibitor use and PN?
I just read an article (on the internet) about anecdotal evidence of long term use of over the counter PPI use as a cause of Neuropathy along with a bunch of other issues.
I was told I would have to take PPIs for life for GERD by an Gastroenterologist 15+ years ago. Now they are saying don’t take more than 2 x 14 day runs a year.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.
@blearyeyes and others, Here's a research paper on the topic if you haven't already seen it.
-- How can proton pump inhibitors damage central and peripheral nervous systems?:
Do you have burning feet ?
PPI"s can makr you drficient on B12. Being deficient in B12 is one of the causes of neuropathy. I would have your b12 level checked.
Also see this related discussion:
- Anyone seen research on long term Proton Pump Inhibitor use and PN?:
PPI's have been shown to cause Drug Induced Lupus. Try plain baking soda- look it up. I use about 1.8th tsp to 1/2 c water. Done with drugs (there are many!) that cause DIL.
Baking soda is very high on sodium. Sodium can raise blood pressure.
Thanks. Yes, I should have realized that. I got the tip from my G.P. lol sigh.
I have been on Lansoprazole for +5years and now have pins and needles on hands and feet - interested to know the evidence linking PPI with this condition?
Welcome @maximas, Sorry to hear you are having pins and needles neuropathy symptoms in your hands and feet. There is some evidence that PPIs can cause the symptoms. Here's one of many references.
-- How can proton pump inhibitors damage central and peripheral nervous systems?
There is another discussion on the topic that you might find helpful to connect with others that share the same symptoms from PPIs.
-- Neuropathy + Proton-pump Inhibitor use?? Anyone had this experience?
Have you discussed the symptoms with your doctor or care team to see if there might be some alternatives?