Bronchoscopy treatment?

Posted by vickied @vickied, Dec 3, 2024

Has anyone had a bronchoscopy for mucus plugs? Did it improve your lung function?

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The timing of your question is interesting. My local pulmonologist scheduled me for a bronchoscopy for mid-December to clear mucus plugs. I'd had this done a year ago and didn't think it helped or harmed. But after a visit to NJH just last week when I asked my long-time (of 12 years) doctor about doing this he said absolutely not. He said it's very risky and related an unsettling incident that ended with the patient in ICU on a ventilator. I was told that none of the major NTM clinics recommend this and that it's done mostly by private physicians. I took to heart what I was told and cancelled my bronchoscopy appointment. Having said all of that, my lung condition (bronchiectasis, NTM, right middle lobe volume loss) might not be the same as yours...this was simply my experience to share.


The timing of your question is interesting. My local pulmonologist scheduled me for a bronchoscopy for mid-December to clear mucus plugs. I'd had this done a year ago and didn't think it helped or harmed. But after a visit to NJH just last week when I asked my long-time (of 12 years) doctor about doing this he said absolutely not. He said it's very risky and related an unsettling incident that ended with the patient in ICU on a ventilator. I was told that none of the major NTM clinics recommend this and that it's done mostly by private physicians. I took to heart what I was told and cancelled my bronchoscopy appointment. Having said all of that, my lung condition (bronchiectasis, NTM, right middle lobe volume loss) might not be the same as yours...this was simply my experience to share.

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Thank you for sharing. I am reluctant to have the procedure. The pulmonologist would do it, not a surgeon. I worked in OR, so I do understand the risks. You did not have any real relief afterward so it does not like it improves your situation. I have a chronic cough and nothing helps! I do not cough up mucus except in the morning. I have Sjogrens which is probably why.


My pulmonologist talks about bronchoscopy to get a good sputum sample. According to the pulmonologist sputum samples that we cough up are only 40% accurate largely due to not getting a deep enough of a sample.

When I first was diagnosed with bronchiectasis I had some bleeding which prompted a bronchoscopy. Then pulmonologist took samples and cleared out mucus. I remember my chest feeling very good afterwards like I could finally get a deep breath but that was before I did ANY airway clearance so I think the stuff was just clogging everything up. For several years I've done clearance twice a day and get good results with production. Because of that I would hesitate to have a bronchoscopy unless I was getting sick all the time and the sputum samples were negative.


Thank you for sharing. I am reluctant to have the procedure. The pulmonologist would do it, not a surgeon. I worked in OR, so I do understand the risks. You did not have any real relief afterward so it does not like it improves your situation. I have a chronic cough and nothing helps! I do not cough up mucus except in the morning. I have Sjogrens which is probably why.

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My pulmonologist performed it last December. I don't think he intended harm in any way. But I'm a 95% non-productive cougher so he was trying to clear what I just can't produce. Like you, I cough all of the time...with nothing to show for it.


I think if I were making the decision, I’d consider a couple things. First would be who was recommending it. If my pulmonologist in the bronchiectasi program at Penn recommended it, I’d seriously consider it because he seems to make carefully thought out recommendations and is open to my questions about them.

Secondly, I’d consider the location of the plugs. If they’re blocking largish airways and have been resistant to clearing with other techniques, I’d consider it.

I worked in critical care areas for 20 years (all in last century) and some our ventilator patients had it done. My recollection is that they tended to improve. I’ve no idea if it’s a current practice though.


I had a bronchoscopy in July. I ended up staying in the hospital overnight because my oxygen level went down after the procedure. My pulmonologist said it was common. But I did not hear any of you had the experience. The cause was that only one third of the fluid that he used for washing up my lungs came out. I don't know how common that is. I am not sure if there is standard amount of fluid to use.



I had a bronchoscopy in July. I ended up staying in the hospital overnight because my oxygen level went down after the procedure. My pulmonologist said it was common. But I did not hear any of you had the experience. The cause was that only one third of the fluid that he used for washing up my lungs came out. I don't know how common that is. I am not sure if there is standard amount of fluid to use.


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@ling what was the reason for your bronchoscopy?


@ling what was the reason for your bronchoscopy?

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Hi scoop,
I have nodules, and CT scans and sputum tests didn't show the evidence of what caused them. My pulmonologist and the ID doctor thought bronchoscopy would help. But the sputum culture from the procedure didn't show NTM and he didn't see NTM either.



My lung collapsed during bronchoscopy and had to stay in the hospital with a chest tube


My lung collapsed during bronchoscopy and had to stay in the hospital with a chest tube

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Was this during a routine bronchoscopy or were they doing a biopsy? So did you need any treatment to resolve collapsed lung?

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