Chiari Malformation type1, Addison's Disease, Steroid-induced diabetes

Posted by ajgray @ajgray, Oct 19, 2016

I'm just curious if anyone else has these diagnoses.. if so where is a good place to have surgery. Mayo turned me done. Stating that I have to many health problems. I have more than what's listed above.. I've even lost my job as a nurse because it's effective my vision and memory so bad..

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Hello all,

29Y.O. Male
Type 1 Malformation Diagnosed in 2005
Severely Aggravated with a Motor Vec accident back in march of 2016

I guess ill start recent and work to the old.

I just recently had surgery for Chirai 1 type Malformation on 12/6/16, I had a standard Decompression preformed in Las Vegas by the crudest most arrogant "Surgeon"/man I have ever met.

With that Said the man is a god with his hands apparently.

I was released from Surgery on the 7th of Dec 2016 after the "most rapid recovery the hospital has seen" (this was repeatedly told to me by 5-6 Doctors/staff)

On the 16th of Dec 2016 I had my stapes removed and was given a "it looks perfect" But yet couldn't feel any of the stapes being removed but the last one that got "Stuck" and had to be forcedly removed by his S.A.

So Imma give you a basic breakdown of my current "complications" If you wouldn't mind reading this and if anything is "serious enough to Seek Attention let me know please"

With that said, It isn't without complications. I now am having issues swallowing it feeling like there's always something caught in my throat but when I go to do the act I have no issues. I'm also having a "stretching feeling at the Top of the base of my skull about 6cm above from the sight of the Dura area that was Operated on I have about 75% of the muscular movement back in my neck now. and had Small Bugle at the base of the skull that I was unaware of until I accidently "popped" it doing my Iso Exercises (neck retention/mobility) I haven't had pain or anything sense or any cause for alarm from it. I cant seam to Stay Awake past like 7pm... anymore when before I was a bit of an insomniac.

I don't have any other heath Concerns Everything else read fine in my workup and yada yada... do I need to worry about the above what do everyone think?


Hi Scott, welcome to Connect.
If you want to see all your posts, simply click on your name @scotthinojosa and you will see all your activity. You've posted in the right place to connect with others who have experience with Chiari Malformation type 1 Please meet @ajgray @maidmarion @david33 and @luckypeppersi

Scott, What explanation or suggestions has your care team suggested for the complications you mention?


Said that its all normal that there's no need for alarm, and when I asked if he can look down my throat he laughed.

I'm scheduled to see the surgeon again in a month for a follow up hopefully they all dissipate by then.

the pop I felt was probably fluid build up that I forced to release. I haven't had one sense and I have checked the area more thoroughly daily incase there's a return (as I was suggested by my Surgeon's PA).

Still having some issues swallowing but was told that's completely normal that I just had a tube down my throat 2 weeks ago and its swollen still and sore.
I have an issue with this part.......

I've done tubes in the field when I served.... and I have never heard of someone having the feeling of having something caught in there throat like this lasting as long as it has Its quite maddening to be honest.

so imma wait until the appointment I guess and go from there...


I delt with a neurologist for the last six months , Dr M. I honestly believe that she just thought o was mental. Instead of helping with my headache she thought my depression was worse a d sent me to a. aPRN who really just said the same thing over and over, about what a hard battle ahead of me . That I'm going through a lot.. hmm I'm aware of this already., she did put my on seized medicine for my tremors priced I definitely had eye tremors And blurred Vision but nothing about my pain. Anyway I met a new neurologist and told her about everything.. she was great and honest, stated she didn't specialize in Chiari but referred me to a neurosurgeon and set my apt up for 1/17/17. So fast and leaving all the bs out..

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