← Return to Mayo Clinic after 20 years with Parkinson’s Disease

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Hello @vicwilbanks and welcome to the Parkinson's support group on Mayo Connect. I can certainly appreciate the dilemma that you are facing. It sounds like the past 20 years have been difficult for him. I really admire his wanting a second opinion.

Are you aware that there is a Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ? As you live in Texas this location might be closer for you and not involve as much traveling. I can see, however, some of the problems you are personally facing, as he is in a wheelchair, and has only has 50% weight bearing. That would put a lot of physical responsibility on you.

Have you considered a travel companion? Perhaps a family member who might be able to help you with the transportation issues. If you don't have a family member to assist, perhaps there is an agency in your community who could recommend an individual who could travel and accompany you for payment.

After two DBS treatments, he has really given his best efforts in seeking help. Did the DBS procedures offer much symptom relief? Are the swallowing/bladder/bowels problems the most difficult symptoms that he is facing?

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Replies to "Hello @vicwilbanks and welcome to the Parkinson's support group on Mayo Connect. I can certainly appreciate..."

Those symptoms are the ones going on now plus balance issues so mostly in wheelchair.

I did mention a virtual appointment that someone on this site suggested, and my husband was interested in that. Can you tell me how to go about that please.