Gastroparesis with severe symptoms!
Does anyone have gastroparesis (low stomach emptying) and what are you doing to manage the problem. I was finally diagnoised with this condition this year after at least 3plus years of unexplained illness. Most of my symtoms were related to pain in the chest; deep back shoulder pain; lightheaded/dizzyness; I always felt like I was having a heart attack. But each time I went to the ER all the heart test came back fine and was told it was just acid reflux. I have been to cardiology; neuralogy; gastrology. I have had heart test; stress test;;thryrod; diabectic test; all kinds of blood test (only showed low vit D) MRI of brain; spinal tap. Finally had stomach emptying test in March - which showed 85% food still in stomach after 3 hours. I have had to switch to a no fat; low fiber diet - pretty much all liquid; soft (babyfood like) foods. If I do experiment and eat something that doesn't move through - then I end up with the deep shoulder pain; lighthed/dizziness;; numbness in the arms/fingers and over all wekness. In order to overcome this feeling - It seems to work by drinking just water /gator aid for at least a day. I just don't know if this all started by a nerve damage issue or if it is reverserble. I have done a lot of internet reading and there doesn't seem to be anything to do except eating habit changes. And no one else seems to associate the pain I have with the stomach - I never seem to have stomach pain - Only fullness; nausea; bloating/gas. I also am not diabetic. Which my understanding is a reason for this condition. If you have this condition - what are your symtoms and how are you managing? Thanks
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It’s interesting that you are now avoiding fiber. My current GI NP has me taking Benefiber in the AM and Miralax in the PM. Does this make sense to any one since I am dealing with chronic constipation?
Fiber is very tricky with my GP body. Often, I cant eat at all and drink thin protein drinks.
Too much fiber makes me miserable! Both soluble and insoluble fiber sit in my gut for hours, preventing me from being able to drink water.
I generally prioritize water over food for this reason.
One would think I'd lose weight.
@trippster HI, yes I'm w C too. I can eat fish, chicken, seeded squash - no seed, nuts, popcorn - if you can handle preservatives - I can limit 10 chips. Drinking3 30g Boost on the home stretch to hosp Mon for GES- 85% accuracy to determine Gastric Emptying Scan 4hr test aye. Gatorade no sugar. I stopped metamucil, benefiber, laxatives, & GERD med d/c. Yogurt vanilla or plain. No fresh fruit or fresh veggies. Canned beets (Libby sm whole beets), can carrots or you can buy fresh n boil em well cooked. Sweet potato digests faster than white peeled. But you want skins w C w/o w D bms. & I eat chicken. Bananas are good ripe for C & green banana are for D. Wish you well trippster
@cherip hi, I'm managing mine w diet as well i just posted all i eat to trippster on this connect. my Symptoms are 10 mo's pregnant @66 Amazing. I cannot hardly eat. Weighed in this a.m @ 80#'s. 20# wt loss in 2024. My bottom is sore & sometimes requires assistance. From my mouth to my bottom. throat irritation from tossin cookies. GERD burnt her pipe too. Low fat low soluble high protein. Protein turns to muscles. Tell myself Hey self walk, walk, walk. Drin, drink, drink. Felt like my mind was fuzzy, out of sorts & then I realized i taxed my body these last 3 days. Grocery shopping, making family meal yesterday- not enough Gatorade bring up them electrolytes now & drink 30g protein. x3 @ least 3 gators & I feel better. I go for GES Mon. Diet is no popcorn or no to any corn. No rice. Ripe bananas good for C grn bananas D. Taters peeled for D & baked w skin for C. Frozen leaf spinach Birdseye tastes fresh. Outshine bars. Baked fish & baked chix breast. Deseed squash. can Carrots. Libby whole sm beets. Yogurt vanilla or plain. Ginger is my new pepper. Stopped salt & sugar & fiber. 30g protein drink. Apple juice, white grape juice- watch them juice w GERD i think they all may contain acid? Diluted for taste in water. I was dx G.paresis in 2019. After 5y's of tests i saw that in my chart. Doc didn't tell me & she's passed away (unfortunate accident) She was Smart!! 1st time I heard duodenum, h.pylori, stomach sphincter - talked educated. But didn't deliver the news. My personal exp re drs; see us as $ $ im not putting stock in a doc. I've had gluten free diet, high fiber, low fiber n every time I clean out cupboards like im wealthy. We continue seeking answers. Stay optimistic & keep reaching out. Super helpful decisions on mayoclinicconnect
& I forgot to mention 4y's D & since 12/12/2023 been C. Doc rx colesevlam 625mg 3x a day 2 dicyclomine 20mg to solve the D word. 3 days w/o going, i saw him for something n I said I don't know if I should be worried or not. & i know he had a student w him but being their for something not related we never went back to the issue & I'm stopped. I go once a week for 52 long uncomfortable weeks. Bought all maternity @ 80#'s I distended to 10mos pregnant. Bm's may need assistance. Glove up. A&D for sore bum. God bless you
Thanks. Yeah, I could not get Preauth 2 wks ago. I have it scheduled & preauth in place this Monday @1030- 4h test GES. I'm w issues 5 long years. I was a care giver, believe I was called to the field to care for others & I revolve around the bathroom door. & my family thinks the world revolves around me. Cool for you to comment. Been on here a month & thank God we have somewhere to vent & learn.
Just discovered how to find you now can you tell me how to get back w my initial post?
@shawnkthryn thank you for all this info. I am also going to have the GES done on 12/11. Hopefully this will pinpoint what is going on with my body. I have lost about 12 lbs over the last 3 months. Not a lot but I don’t need to lose any more. I am also having a colonoscopy at some point to look for any blockages.
Wishing you the best as well!
Thanks. I'm on liquid diet since Wed. p.m. Boost 30g's all day & Gatorade Zero all day. No excuses w we could not see or w torturous redundant colon & GES to confirm 2019's dr sabbagh's dx (diagnose). @80 #'s - dunno if i can make another dinner- distension date. To eat for me has not been worth it for 5 long years. Being a CNA w a Calling. Loved serving in the field
I summed up my symptoms as IBS. Learning everything the hard way. All I was told is I have a redundant colon in 5 years. Then after cholecystectomy chronic D 4 years. Don't even know if vitamins stayed cuz 4 y's i'd eat n run. Dec 12, 2023's appt w pcp, i asked should i be concerned not poopin 3 days? he had intro a student & he never addressed issue he gave me Colesevlam 625mg 3x d & dicyclomine 20mg twice d rx. i was so grateful i said i could kiss you or should i be concerned. I should have been told Stop med