What supplements help Osteopenia, Osteoporosis?
Hi, I am a new member here and wanted to find out if anyone has used AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Citrate for Osteopenia? I have had this condition for 10 years now plus five years with Osteoarthritis of the hip which I am hoping will help not only my hip but the DEXA scan came up with Osteopenia scores.
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It appears I posted this in the wrong section. I meant to reply to another poster.
I know how you feel I was shell shocked too. I have so much information. It might be overwhelming but once I got over the shock, I went into research mode. There is no order here, and some of it seems very technical but I just go through it, let it sink in for a moment, cross reference it all and seems to work.
To start:
GREAT information with Dr. Keith McCormick - he has been through it himself.
FOS are Fructooligosaccharides. Foods high in FOS are onion chicory (one yogurt brand has this and chicory is also found in some coffees that add this) garlic, asparagus, leeks, jerusalem artichoke (careful if you plant it, it is invasive plant so it needs to be in a pot!).
Note, I just looked up the brand, it was Oikos, but it appears as of a month ago, they removed chicory from their yogurt.
The combination of soy-based diet (edamame, tofu...) , dried plum (prunes), FOS, significantly improved whole body & femoral BMD. See the article link above.
Then there is Calcium, vitamins D3, K2 (this is VERY important lot on the internet about it regarding bone), Magnesium (take 2 hours separate from Calcium, they compete for absorption in the intestine), Zinc, collagen, borate, copper... there are a few others.
There is a better scan which incorporates the DEXA with a computer analysis. Gives you better info to determine if you should use anabolic (bone building) or the Fosamax type drugs (bone maintenance) Here is that link: https://onewelbeck.com/news/trabecular-bone-scoring/
Bone marker tests and extensive/more info
Squats, lunges, weighted walking (some say walking does nothing, others say 30 minutes each day at least 15 minute mile pace/work up to it IF possible and safely), dead lifts.
Again, be VERY careful, know what you are doing. There is a very safe way to work up to these intense exercises BABY STEPS is essential!! When you first begin, the baby steps approach will be as if the trainer is telling you to touch your nose with your fingertip, anyone can do that, right? But listen to the type of trainer that takes you SLOWLY and carefully with PROPER FORM, and even no weight at first or very slight squats or even assisted... the list goes on as the many ways to start carefully... too long to post it all here. YouTube has some very good videos about proper form for older persons or persons with fragile bones.
I am going to buy a weight belt, start with 2 pounds and work up to 10 in several months. I will wear this belt during waking hours and do my walks with it.
One can buy a weight vest too or make one, use a back pack and put a bag of rice/sand/water bottle or something of that sort in it. I am more concerned about my femur neck right now but I may add 2 pounds in a backpack too.
I hope you do well. Take care.
AlgaeCal is a plant based supplement and is highly rated with proof positive it can increase bone density. Has a moneyback guarantee. Base dexascan within 30 days of starting supplement compared to dexa on same machine 6 months later. No, I'm not affiliated. Just been doing a ton of research.
I haven't used AgaeCal, but used something similar, Pure synergy bone renewal based on red algae.
I had problems with over-active thyroid a while ago, I stopped taking the supplements but didn't know if they were implicated. Things settled down and I started taking the supplements again, similar symptoms, extreme tiredness, loss of weight, started after a year or so. I stopped taking, and returned to normal.
I mention this not to put you off, but for awareness. As far as I know algae derived calcium very good option. It may be very unusual to have my problem. I would be very interested to know if anyone else had a problem.
Despite all this I have managed to build some bone, and I hope I am continuing to do so. I am now taking d3, magnesium glycinate and K2. Also diet and exercise important.
Hi, I also started having leg jerks (myoclonus) several months ago. Have you found anything that helps?
Thanks, Ray
How long did you do the Reclast?
I am waiting to see if Algaecal makes bones that don't fracture. Have you found anything your studies? Denser bones could mean that the mineral, strontium, weighs more but not necessarily more bone because of it.
This article refers to strontium ranelate which is a different compound than strontium citrate.
Strontium ranelate is not used in the US; it is prescribed in other countries for osteoporosis. Fractures were reduced.
Thank you so much for that interview with Dr McCormick. I am transitioning off that dreadful Prolia onto a bisphophonate. He says that a bisphophonate is not powerful enough to prevent the Rebound effect from Prolia. He says it must be Reclast (zoledronic acid). But you can read here all the dreadful side effects of that infusion. I will try and see if l do have that if l can get them to reduce the dosage but don't hold out much hope. (Dr's do not always like suggestions from patients). Such confusing drug treatments. But thank you for helping.
Do you take boron? I just added it to the others. I don’t want to do medicines. I am trying everything any input would be appreciated.