Mid-back muscle spasms: Unending

Posted by ksdm @ksdm, Mar 12, 2024

Does anyone else have thorasic muscle spasms in their back? I have been getting them about 4 times a year for 20 years. They usually last about 6 weeks and go away at night so I can sleep. I have tried all medicines that might be appropriate and nothing stops the spasms during the day. Sitting, lying, standing doesn't matter. The drugs make me feel sick and can't eat and I can't afford to lose weight. Wrecking my life!!

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I too had terrible spasms that would seize up.
The Doc gave me tizanadine + celebrax.

Gone in 12 hours- stayed gone.


I too had terrible spasms that would seize up.
The Doc gave me tizanadine + celebrax.

Gone in 12 hours- stayed gone.

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I wish I were so fortunate! I've tried both drugs and neither one stopped my spasm.


@ksdm, I totally understand about ‘this is one muscle and it’s a killer’. Mine is when I ‘wash windows, that reaching out forward and circular motion or sitting at my dining room table and writing a letter/card, the lifting my elbow up shoulder. Like you I’ve had all the x-rays and MRIs. As far as acupuncture goes, I’ve been a couple of years working with the Dr. it is not a go once or twice etc and then you are fixed. I’m thinking it is my weak spot and I have to deal with this. I’m praying that the nerves that were cut will repair ‘eventually’. Acupuncture has been a huge improvement. When I had an episode (that’s what I call the major pain & some spasms) - I would be laid up literally for 5-7 days. Now is it 2-3 and mostly pain not so much spasms.
If I may ask , what started your spasms? Does exercise help at all to loosen muscle? I’m just shy of 72, but like you, in good health other than this muscle/thoracic/Serratus anterior muscle issue. Blessings to you. Keep in touch and I’ll pop back in to check on ya. ❤️
P. S. That chiropractor sounds scary. I would have left too. Stay strong

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I tried acupuncture. The first time (in a long time!) I was free of my back spasm for 4 days! It was heaven. I went the next week and walked away hurting more than ever. I went back a third time and was in way too much pain afterward. No more acupuncture for me! i think I will go back to the pain clinic. I have been sitting in a chair with a heating pad, taking Valium and Tylenol for four months and I can't take this any longer! I don't know what started my spasms, maybe pulling too tough weeds in my garden (which I have removed). Whatever it is, I can't find a solution, and I am desperate!! It is one muscle I can cover with my thumb, so it's not widespread.


I woke up this morning, and my back muscle spasm was gone. Just like that. I am sure it will return, but why can't anyone tell me why it stops and why it starts? I did nothing unusual to either start it or stop it.


I have had mid back muscle spasms since spinal compression fractures 6 months ago. A month ago bursitis in one hip caused so much pain that the Physical Therapist did "dry needling" on the muscle between the hip and leg. It worked wonders. I will ask if the dry needling can be done on my back. This might be a solution for back muscle spasms. Your Physical Therapist could guide you.


I have either the same problem or at least similar. Muscles are tight and painful during use, but on my left side only. It began after the Harrington rod for fusion at age 16 was removed. The diagnosis was flat-back syndrome.
Lumbar fusions were cut and reshaped, then refused using a curved rod matching the shape of the lumbar.

The muscle tightness and pain have continued for 25 years. Recently, I have had a pain pump installed, but it has not fixed the problem.

If I can find the funding, I may end up at Mayo Rochester to see if they have answers.


Thank you for your thoughts, I tried physical therapy once my back returned to normal and the exercises they gave me caused another back muscle spasm! I would think swimming would bring on a muscle spasm as well as PT. I have had CT scans and ex-rays and I have nothing wrong with my spine. This is purely a muscle issue and I wish someone could find a way to make the spasm stop because I am in agony and have to sit in a chair all day every day until it stops! I am 82 years old.

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kind of the same thing is happening to me. Debilitating mid back spasms, except mine are mainly on the left side. The worst ones are up and down the long muscles to the left of the spine, but they spread. I cannot hold myself up when it happens. My left arm will barely lift, but lifting it makes the spasms worse. I have a few supposedly minor issues with my spine. I am using Tizanidine and Tylenol with a prednisone pack when I feel it coming on - about every two weeks at the moment. I am also doing PT, but some of the exercises bring the spasms on. My therapist works hard to find alternate exercises. I also, just out of luck, found a therapeutic massage therapist that seems to help a lot. We just started, so I do not know for sure.

This is a horrible thing to happen. I am sorry you are going through this. Is it still happening? If not, what worked?


Therapeutic massage worked, but not for too long, besides, one session cost me over $100 plus tip and there is no way I can afford that ongoing!! Wish I could.....


kind of the same thing is happening to me. Debilitating mid back spasms, except mine are mainly on the left side. The worst ones are up and down the long muscles to the left of the spine, but they spread. I cannot hold myself up when it happens. My left arm will barely lift, but lifting it makes the spasms worse. I have a few supposedly minor issues with my spine. I am using Tizanidine and Tylenol with a prednisone pack when I feel it coming on - about every two weeks at the moment. I am also doing PT, but some of the exercises bring the spasms on. My therapist works hard to find alternate exercises. I also, just out of luck, found a therapeutic massage therapist that seems to help a lot. We just started, so I do not know for sure.

This is a horrible thing to happen. I am sorry you are going through this. Is it still happening? If not, what worked?

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Therapeutic massage is great. I hope you are either rich or have amazing insurance. How does your stomach react to tizanidine? I'm good with Tylenol 8 hour.


Nothing has worked so far....

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