Can Gabapentin make neuropathy pain worse?
I started getting peripheral neuropathy pain about nine months ago in my feet and hands right after I received a cervical steroid injection. I started taking gabapentin about 7 months ago. I have gradually increased my dose from 100 mg a day to 1500 mg. I can't say that it has decreased my pain at all. In fact, my pain has gotten steadily worse. I was just wondering if it is possible that gabapentin can sometimes make neuropathy pain worse. My EMG and biopsy results are negative for short fiber neuropathy so far.
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Gabapentin made me immediately and seriously depressed. I was surprised until I dug into the medical literature. This is a side effect of the drug for some people--not terribly uncommon but not often discussed. It also did nothing for my neuropathy. I find this drug worse than useless.
I will second that!
I took this medication only once. 100 mg before going to bed. Three hours later I woke up with severe cramps in my legs and pain and tingling.. I was given the medication because I was experiencing some Pain in My big toe and the one next to it in both of my feet occasionally also, my calves would feel weak and sometimes stiff. I have been told before that I had neuropathy due to issues that I have in my back because I have stenosis and problems with my disc just multiple things. The pain and things experience from taking that one pill were ridiculous. I haven’t taken it since, but yet I am experiencing cramps and my legs. I have pain from my knee to my toes, which goes from like little electrical shocks and other things that I didn’t have before. I told my doctor wasn’t going to take this again, but what I wanna know is maybe I wasn’t supposed to be taking this. I want to know if this will go away by itself the reaction that I got from the medication and how long will it take to subside or is there something I can do to counteract?
My neuropathy got worse on gabapentin too. I had to stop taking it.
Hi I want to first off let you know. I am telling you my experience and not trying to tell you what to do. When I was in the hospital learning how to walk again they put me on it. They kept upping it not realizing I had sensory ganglionopathy. I found out 2 months later from a neurologist. I was up to 2400 mg a day. I had falls, vertigo, heart palpitations, problems walking. I was not sure if it was the disease. The doctor did not want me going off of it. I went to the Gabapentin website. All my symptoms were most of the side effects. Went to my doctor with the proof and was taken off of it. They weaned me off of it. The withdrawals were insane but worth it. I saw a lot of improvement little by little. I hope my experience can help you.
What happened after you took Gabapentin?
I just started very low dose! I have SMALL FIBER NEUROPOTHY and SOJGRENS SYNDROME
I have small fiber neuropathy and fibromyalgia and my neurologist prescribed gabapentin. My neuropathy symptoms were tingling and burning sensation in hands and feet. The gabapentin
has helped a lot. If I flare during the day I can take up to 3 total in 24 hours if needed. Most often I just take one at night.
Could not tolerate that medicine made me sleepy and when I was awake did not know if I was in pain not also had severe side effects to Lyrica and it did not help the neuropathy at all
What were side effects of Lrica per chance. I've switched to pregablin (lyrica) from Gabapentin which like you was a super sleepy pill slept years away before switching to Lyrica but now have developed bouts of severe leg weakness not sure if related to lyrica
I have tried gabapentin twice. The first night I took it, I spent the entire night in the fetal position on the living room floor experiencing the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I called my dr when the office opened and told them I could not take it. Several years later, another dr wanted to prescribe it and I told him what had happened. He said it was because I had been started on too low of a dose and asked me to please try it again at a higher starting dose. I hesitantly agreed and took it again. The EXACT same thing happened.
Another time I was given a pain relieving patch that I did not realize included gabapentin as an ingredient. Again...unbelievable pain.
I now include gabapentin on my list of drug allergies. I won't mistakenly take it ever again. When doctors ask what happens when I take it, I tell them about the pain and they never believe me.