Bad outcome after eye surgery. HELP PLEASE!!!

Posted by mlett82 @mlett82, Nov 14, 2024

I had the cataract removed/a lens placed, and I had worse vision and light blindness (the car lights blind me) and most lights have become very sensitive with halos around them.
They put new lenses in, and I wonder if they put them in backward? Or did they place them in at the wrong angle? I am terrified of the future because I am a CPA and cannot see the computer and numbers. I squint so hard that I end up with a headache. Can anyone lend some words of wisdom, PLEASE?

Thank you,

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Without knowing more specifics, I would recommend you consider getting a second opinion at one of the nationally recognized eye research institutes such as Bascom Palmer or Wills. When I had my vision rapidly decline within 6 months at age 38 (I'm now 79), my optamologist could not explain why. After examination at Bascom Palmer in Miami, they determined that I had nuclear cataracts which are tiny seeds in the eye lense that were deflecting the light. I went ahead and had the surgery which solved the problem. I lated developed glaucoma and am on 3 eye drops and see optamologist every 3 months. I have been back to Bascom Palmer periodically to see if they recommend anything new. One possible surgery they have recommended is called GATT to relieve eye pressure by installing a tiny drain tube. They may also be able to recommend eye doctors in your area that have done fellowships at Bascom Palmer.


Wear sunglasses indoors, this article explains the condition and give you hope that it will resolve in a few months. It explains your options in case the halo effect does not resolve.
Best of luck, hope you continue to heal and this issue resolves.


What a terrible situation! I have had eye problems and have worn glasses since I was 6 and I'm 78. I can imagine how scary this must be for you! However, the two suggestions from Don and Beebe are excellent! Follow them and things should work out. Also pray fervently! God will make certain that everything turns out fine!
I will say a prayer for you.


You dint mention your refraction information, tested visual acuity, any preexisting health conditions, which intraocular lens you had implanted, and what your surgeon says regarding your outcome.

Could you provide this information?


I also had my left eye cataract removed, and as a CPA I was also very disappointed in result. I'm not having my right eye done until ABSOLUTELY necessary. Turns out that being a high myope with macular puckers in both eyes are part of the problem, and it's taken almost a year for my brain to cope. Also I told Dr I wanted to have IOL for nearsightedness, but he gave me medium distance IOL, so only my right eye can see close now. Believe me I understand how distressing this can be.
BTW, there are IOLs to allow being near-sighted, but need to be ordered special, my doctor just took the IOL from the shelf. I'm not sure I would want it replaced with the lens I would have liked. My regular eye doctor said having a near-sighted IOL would be very unusual, but I wasn't told about that option.


I also had my left eye cataract removed, and as a CPA I was also very disappointed in result. I'm not having my right eye done until ABSOLUTELY necessary. Turns out that being a high myope with macular puckers in both eyes are part of the problem, and it's taken almost a year for my brain to cope. Also I told Dr I wanted to have IOL for nearsightedness, but he gave me medium distance IOL, so only my right eye can see close now. Believe me I understand how distressing this can be.
BTW, there are IOLs to allow being near-sighted, but need to be ordered special, my doctor just took the IOL from the shelf. I'm not sure I would want it replaced with the lens I would have liked. My regular eye doctor said having a near-sighted IOL would be very unusual, but I wasn't told about that option.

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So, 1995, you didn't research IOL types and manufacturer products? Single vision IOL vs multifocal IOLs vs LAL?

Did you review various monovision and blended vision options with your surgeon?


I've heard people with multifocal had disappointing outcomes, so figured monofocal would be my best option. Being very nearsighted since I was 9 yo has never been a problem, thought IOL would just restore my natural lens, and I would continue to wear glasses for distance. I've worn progressive glasses for 40 years with no problem, I remove them when I want to see really close.


I also requested a near sighted lens when I had my cataract surgery, because everything I do is close up, but they put in a far sighted lens instead. I don't think my brain could take the drastic change, and now I have lost all sight in that eye. I also had a stent put in because of glaucoma and pain in the bad eye, and now it has deflated. At least it doesn't hurt anymore, except for dryness, but I won't let anyone do surgery on my remaining eye.


I also requested a near sighted lens when I had my cataract surgery, because everything I do is close up, but they put in a far sighted lens instead. I don't think my brain could take the drastic change, and now I have lost all sight in that eye. I also had a stent put in because of glaucoma and pain in the bad eye, and now it has deflated. At least it doesn't hurt anymore, except for dryness, but I won't let anyone do surgery on my remaining eye.

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Would you consider having distance lens replaced with close up lens?


My eye is no longer working so that would be pointless.

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