Is there anything to help stop or slow progression of MGUS?

Posted by amyboylan1 @amyboylan1, Oct 12, 2024

I am wondering if there is anything anyone is doing to stop or slow the progression of MGUS. I m recently diagnosed and have a lot to learn. My oncologist said there is nothing that can be done. Also could some of you share how long you have had MGUS. I am like I’m sure like all of you very concerned about my MGUS processing. Thank you.

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I was diagnosed with MGUS fall 2015. This was accidentally found in a blood test when the hematologist was looking for the reason I was having unexplained roving pain - basically all over the body. My rheumatoid factor was quite high but the rheumatoid doctor said I didn't have rheumatoid arthritis after he examined he; thus being referred to a hematologist. Since then, I have annual monoclonal protein study tests sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. This year's test was a bit different from all the past tests. Have they changed the way testing is done. My main question is did you find taking antihistamines and antacids had an affect on MGUS? My IgA was 87 in Oct '24. My IgG Lambda is .385 which is high. I don't see this type test in previous testing.

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My IgE was one knows why??


OH WOW!!!! Congrads I went to see my hematology my levels just go up high but not to high and then low so its up and down. I don't any kinda of medicine for any of the pain I have I have to live with it day to day. I was by my hematology Dr that MGUS doesn't hurt but I don't know I've been hurting for years and I never have any energy tried all the time . So I had my
Physician run test for Lupus so now the blood levels are high for this also MY SED RATE is 43mm/hr its not suppose to go pass 30mm/hr so now off to see Rheumatologist Dr . So now I'm worried about this because it could either be Lupus which I don't have all the systems or it can be autoimmune disease which is scareds me. I will have to try this diet that your applying too what is the diet would like more information

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I have a gammatonie monoclonale. I have osteoporis since 30 years and i take medis, biphosphonats, prolia and so on. I take this medis since 30 years, then it gets better and after not taking medis it’s bad again. Infeel sick, but nobody is so terribly interested. I would like to do no more anything a live as long as i live!


I was diagnosed with MGUS fall 2015. This was accidentally found in a blood test when the hematologist was looking for the reason I was having unexplained roving pain - basically all over the body. My rheumatoid factor was quite high but the rheumatoid doctor said I didn't have rheumatoid arthritis after he examined he; thus being referred to a hematologist. Since then, I have annual monoclonal protein study tests sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. This year's test was a bit different from all the past tests. Have they changed the way testing is done. My main question is did you find taking antihistamines and antacids had an affect on MGUS? My IgA was 87 in Oct '24. My IgG Lambda is .385 which is high. I don't see this type test in previous testing.

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@dondi2101, I'm bringing @pmm into this discussion too.

Getting results from a different lab may result in variations of testing. It sounds like the Mayo lab results were very thorough. What did your doctor say about the test results? When will you have the next round of lab work done for comparison?


I was diagnosed with MGUS fall 2015. This was accidentally found in a blood test when the hematologist was looking for the reason I was having unexplained roving pain - basically all over the body. My rheumatoid factor was quite high but the rheumatoid doctor said I didn't have rheumatoid arthritis after he examined he; thus being referred to a hematologist. Since then, I have annual monoclonal protein study tests sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. This year's test was a bit different from all the past tests. Have they changed the way testing is done. My main question is did you find taking antihistamines and antacids had an affect on MGUS? My IgA was 87 in Oct '24. My IgG Lambda is .385 which is high. I don't see this type test in previous testing.

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Hi Dianna!
All good questions. The chance of progression to MM or SMM is low, so while I don’t worry a lot about it (diagnosed in 2020) much of the reason I don’t worry is that I get medical care from an established Cancer treatment organization with a great reputation. It’s really important to find a treatment provider who treats Multiple Myeloma. You don’t have MM, and we hope you never will, but you want someone who treats patients within the spectrum every day. Think of getting a colonoscopy. You’d want somebody that does two or three a day rather than somebody who does two or three a year, right?
So my first question is why your clinician is sending out your labs? Mayo is the gold standard, so while they do a great job, I wonder why your provider isn’t equipped to process and review those lab results? You definitely need information and to get your questions answered.
Some of our members who live in rural areas have to travel to get a good diagnostic and follow up work up. It’s a pain, but it’s reassuring to get all your questions answered.
Another advantage of being seen in a large, well-established setting is that you have the availability of Ancillary services. Whenever I start a new medication, I always ask for a pharmacy consult so that they can look at any combination of the medication that I’m already taking with the new medication. This includes any over-the-counter supplements that I take. It’s been quite helpful to get their considered opinion. There are many medications that have the potential to impact kidney or liver function. You definitely want your physician to be on top of that and along with your MGUS testing. If there is a pharmacist connected to the hematology/oncology provider, then they are well-versed in this.
I also receive periodic scans to make sure that there are no bone lesions because that indicates progression.
I always feel sad when people can’t get the information that they need from their treatment provider. When you see someone once a year and you get lab results, which are not explained to you that is insufficient and unacceptable. Can you call your provider and ask for a telephone call return or, a telemedicine appointment?
I did a quick search and I did find this about certain medications and multiple myeloma. Nothing specific to MGUS.
Do you mind sharing a little more about your provider situation? Are you close to a teaching hospital? Cancer treatment center?
I’m really glad you found this group because I always learn from our experienced members I hope there will be an information that is useful to you.


I have found good results for inflammatory pain in general with Qunol Turmeric Enhanced Absorption 1500 mg (in 2 capsules) which has 95% Curcuminoids. Make sure to check your iron while on Turmeric supplements since it may lower iron absorption in some individuals. I believe there are different versions so I have included a pic. I also have MGUS diagnosed in 2021 with high IGM and low IGA and IGG with normal light chains and have not needed a bone biopsy or PET scan yet. I am 70 years old and in good health and have always eaten a mostly plant based diet with very little processed foods. Meaning my diet emphasizes whole foods rather than what you find in a box or already prepared. Several months ago I switched to Doctors Best Curcumin with Meriva on the advice of a naturopathic physician. I go in for labs next month (every 6 months) so we’ll see if it makes any difference. I have also started Red Light therapy using the Redrush 400 from Redtherapy Co mostly for Plantar fasciitis on my left foot and degenerative disc in my lower back and in only 2 weeks I have noticed 50% or better reduction in pain and swelling in my heel so I am very encouraged! It was recommended by Energy Blueprint and if you use that name as a coupon code you will get a discount. (Saved me $100!) Since I have always walked 2-4 miles every day since I retired in 2019 the plantar fasciitis was not healing although I had to limit my walks to 2 miles and now I am slowly increasing to 3 again! There are some studies (check Sloan Kettering Memorial) that a 100% plant based diet may have beneficial outcomes for MGUS/MM. I will update here in November if there are any beneficial changes in my labs.

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This is an update to my previous comment on Oct 14. My labs last week indicated that the IGM continues to steadily increase-still with normal light chains and regular lab work such as CBC and complete metabolic panel. Soooo, the hematologist now wants to do a complete skeletal, neck, chest, abdomen and pelvic CT and a bone marrow biopsy as a “baseline.” My IGM is now 697 and he states he always runs those tests at 700. With that being said, I am switching over to the Sabinsa C3 Curcumin that Sloan Kettering uses in their trial of a Whole Foods plant based diet, along with Qwell Pharmaceuticals Algae (vegan) Omega 3 (also in their trials) and I’m going to transition into going vegan. Because the hematologist stated that the MGUS I have would probably progress to Waldenstrom’s rather that MM (if it moves from MGUS) I am more committed than ever to using any natural methods possible to halt the progression since I am extremely sensitive to the side effect of drugs. (he stated they do have drugs that can treat Waldenstrom’s but I am scared to death of side effects) On a super positive side, the Red light therapy I have been using for plantar fasciitis is a game changer!!! Within 2 weeks of using it I noticed a huge difference and I am now back to walking 4-6 miles every day. I use the red light therapy 10 minutes per day 5 days a week at a distance of 6” from my feet ( the bottoms of my feet pointing toward the device.) I do an an additional 10 minutes further away from the device front and back for whole body healing. With the amazing results I have had for plantar fasciitis I am hoping it will somehow help the MGUS as well. The clinical trial gov ID is NCT 05640843 for the trials of Whole Foods plant based diet. I believe I gave the link in a former comment. If anyone that was in their trial (which is ongoing until 11/2026 and I believe is still accepting participants if you can make it to New York and New Jersey) has an official printout of their Whole Foods plant based diet could you provide it here? I know many participants were provided 2 ready made meals per day which were provided by Daily Harvest according to the info I read. I will keep y’all updated after my scans, bone biopsy and at my next lab. By the way, I will be 71 in January and have no other health issues just for info. Wishing y’all a happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas. Let’s pray for each other that we can take control of our health and let God work his miracles. God bless you all.


Thank you for this very informative post. Do you know if the average person not in the trial can purchase those brands of Curcumin and omega? How do you plan to get them?
Thanks so much,


Reply to @1oldsoul

Thanks for the update. I'll be praying for you.
My Hematologist/Oncologist has a much different more laid back process than yours. My IGM was 774 a year ago. Now it is 1608 and she still has me on the wait and see program. I asked about using Curcumin, but she advised against it since I'm using Pradaxa. I told her that Cardiology only put me on it because of a brief period of A-fib that hasn't been an issue for over 2 years now. She also nixed the bone biopsy at this time, put did agree to a Pet Scan.
My light chains are normal but IGG is low at 640. She didn't have an opinion on my prognosis or even if I was headed toward WM or MM. She claims to be very up to date on MGUS and the only way to deviate from the health plan standard of care, was to find a trial on my own. The standard it to wait until there are symptoms or IGM get to 3000.
BTW, my thinking is that this all started 2 1/2 years ago when I was hospitalized for pneumonia and treated with erythromycin, prednisone and insulin.


Thank you for this very informative post. Do you know if the average person not in the trial can purchase those brands of Curcumin and omega? How do you plan to get them?
Thanks so much,

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Yes, I googled Sabinsa Curcumin and it came up as the registered trademark of “Curcumin C3” which is a form of 3 curcuminoids that are then used by various vitamin companies in their products. I will include a photo of one I purchased in the past although I will probably search for a different brand as I recently emailed the Igennus company asking why they state on the bottle “do not exceed the stated dose” and they never replied. If you Google QWell Pharmaceutical vegan Omega 3 it is the same situation-they have the patent and I just ordered from The Veggie Doctor. Let me know if you have any other questions! Glad to help.


Reply to @1oldsoul

Thanks for the update. I'll be praying for you.
My Hematologist/Oncologist has a much different more laid back process than yours. My IGM was 774 a year ago. Now it is 1608 and she still has me on the wait and see program. I asked about using Curcumin, but she advised against it since I'm using Pradaxa. I told her that Cardiology only put me on it because of a brief period of A-fib that hasn't been an issue for over 2 years now. She also nixed the bone biopsy at this time, put did agree to a Pet Scan.
My light chains are normal but IGG is low at 640. She didn't have an opinion on my prognosis or even if I was headed toward WM or MM. She claims to be very up to date on MGUS and the only way to deviate from the health plan standard of care, was to find a trial on my own. The standard it to wait until there are symptoms or IGM get to 3000.
BTW, my thinking is that this all started 2 1/2 years ago when I was hospitalized for pneumonia and treated with erythromycin, prednisone and insulin.

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Thank you so much for your reply. I am also of the opinion to watch and wait for awhile longer but my Hematologist is very conservative. I recently asked him at what level he would consider the IGM to be very concerning and he stated 1500. I worry about all the radiation in the scans but my Hematologist is the only one in my area so I don’t want to refuse his treatment plan. Thank you for praying for me. I will do the same for you. Please keep me updated and I will do the same. Since I have been very sensitive to side effects of medications since my teens I have always had to look for natural remedies and will continue to do so to beat this, God willing.


Yes, I googled Sabinsa Curcumin and it came up as the registered trademark of “Curcumin C3” which is a form of 3 curcuminoids that are then used by various vitamin companies in their products. I will include a photo of one I purchased in the past although I will probably search for a different brand as I recently emailed the Igennus company asking why they state on the bottle “do not exceed the stated dose” and they never replied. If you Google QWell Pharmaceutical vegan Omega 3 it is the same situation-they have the patent and I just ordered from The Veggie Doctor. Let me know if you have any other questions! Glad to help.

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Forgot to include the pic of the Curcumin I have at home that I referenced in my post.

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