Dry nose bleeds, postnasal drip, and a clearing throat cough

Posted by garymcc @garymcc, Nov 7, 2024

Across the decades, as I get older, dry air vacations (indoor winter heated air) or high-altitude air dries and cracks my nasal passages. Resulting in oozing blood that can be seen in a handkerchief. As a result of the irritation, the sinuses release a continuous stream of mucus. When I was younger it would all clear up when I came back home to moist air locations or down in altitude. These days the mucus flow continues at a low level across time along with a throat clearing cough. Resulting in chronic, long term, postnasal drip and cough. It is possible there might be some scaring or degradation of the nasal surfaces from aging effects across time. High levels of dust or pollen will also cause equivalent irritation and high flow of mucus. I know if my hands are chapped, I can see the effect of chapping and observe which hand creams seem to work the best. Humidly in the air is beneficial, but does not reduce the postnasal drip anymore, or cure my chapped hands.

So, I was wondering if anyone knows:
1) What is the best way to observe the dry and cracked nasal passages areas inside the nose from home?
If I can observe the dry areas, I might be able to determine which treatments have the most benefit.
2) Which dry nose treatments have the best recommendations, especially for long term use?
There are many suggestions online and in this ENT forum. People have used all of them with greater or lesser success However, one has to be cautious about getting the salves deeper into the lungs. Especially when used prior to sleeping when they could drain into the lungs. Plus, hydration rates vary, just like different hand creams.
- Petroleum lipoid products (Vaseline, mineral oil, Bacitracin etc) Occlusive products. They block moisture from escaping the nasal skin. Vaseline was recommended by my doctor.
I have used it now for nine months twice a day, applied night and mornings with a cotton swab. I am looking for something better.
My nose is not bleeding anymore after high-altitude vacations, but I still have postnasal drip and a cough.
- Lanolin (wax from sheep’s wool).
- Saline gels, like Ayr Gel. I used it for about nine months. This did not work for me. It was too weak at stopping the high-altitude bleeding or improving the postnasal drip afterwards.
- Decongestants will open the air pathways if needed. But they do not promote healing.

What I notice is none of the pure products above contain other ingredients (humectants, and more) found in various hand creams to promote moisturizing and healing of dry cracked hand skin. A Google search of dry nose creams will show multiple products, with advertiser guarantees(sic) to work. Is there a best medical grade nose cream with humectants or other ingredients to promote healing of dry cracked nasal air pathways?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Support Group.

Hello @garymcc and welcome to Mayo Connect. I see that this is your first post on Connect. From your post, it looks like this has been a long-standing problem for you. While you wait for others to respond to your post, I'm wondering if you have seen an ENT specialist. After an examination, they might have some good suggestions for dealing with these symptoms.
Here is another discussion on Connect, that might be helpful to you as it discusses some of the problems you have mentioned:
--Stuffy dry nose, dry eyes.
I look forward to hearing from you again as you search for answers. Will you continue to post?


Hello @garymcc and welcome to Mayo Connect. I see that this is your first post on Connect. From your post, it looks like this has been a long-standing problem for you. While you wait for others to respond to your post, I'm wondering if you have seen an ENT specialist. After an examination, they might have some good suggestions for dealing with these symptoms.
Here is another discussion on Connect, that might be helpful to you as it discusses some of the problems you have mentioned:
--Stuffy dry nose, dry eyes.
I look forward to hearing from you again as you search for answers. Will you continue to post?

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Hi Teresa
Thanks for your thoughts. My issue has been rising in importance over the last few years as recovery from dry air environments has become less certain. I have discussed it twice with my doctor in annual physicals. I am in general in excellent health. Since it was not going to kill me in the next day, the discussion was given very little medical attention. He suggested to try allergy medicines (It is not allergies) or Vaseline the 2nd time. So, I started my own investigation. Silane gel and now Vaseline seemed to help at first with the acute symptoms. But less effective recently. Perhaps there might be some nasal tissue degradation(??). Does nasal pathway skin get wrinkles like facial skin? As a result, the postnasal drip is getting more pronounced, persistent, and annoying. The challenge is postnasal drip symptoms can result from multiple source problems as in the other link you shared. So, a visit to an ENT doctor for an exam in the future is a strong possibility. But first I need to educate myself to be able to ask the right questions and understand what can and cannot be done. I searched a few threads in the ENT forum but have not read years of history yet.


Hi Teresa
Thanks for your thoughts. My issue has been rising in importance over the last few years as recovery from dry air environments has become less certain. I have discussed it twice with my doctor in annual physicals. I am in general in excellent health. Since it was not going to kill me in the next day, the discussion was given very little medical attention. He suggested to try allergy medicines (It is not allergies) or Vaseline the 2nd time. So, I started my own investigation. Silane gel and now Vaseline seemed to help at first with the acute symptoms. But less effective recently. Perhaps there might be some nasal tissue degradation(??). Does nasal pathway skin get wrinkles like facial skin? As a result, the postnasal drip is getting more pronounced, persistent, and annoying. The challenge is postnasal drip symptoms can result from multiple source problems as in the other link you shared. So, a visit to an ENT doctor for an exam in the future is a strong possibility. But first I need to educate myself to be able to ask the right questions and understand what can and cannot be done. I searched a few threads in the ENT forum but have not read years of history yet.

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As you probably know, this is a patient-to-patient forum, so you are asking some questions that we will not have answers to. On Mayo Connect, we are not medical professionals, just patients like yourself.

From what you've indicated, it sounds as if an evaluation by an ENT specialist might be in order. Have you considered the possibility of allergies?


Hi Teresa, thanks for your thoughts. High altitude, dry bloody nose is a commonly known aliment among backpacking and mountain climbing forums. There seems to be a direct cause and effect to my condition and high altitudes or visiting Minnesota in the winter months. So, it is unlikely to be allergies, which tend to be seasonal or have a specific source like cats. Unless with age you are postulating, I have developed new allergies or have become allergic to life. Many things are possible. Please include specific data and sources like which allergies are coincident with dry air in your hypotheses or observations.

What is not often included in other forums, is practical medical results from patient experiences like this forum. Such as does an otoscope tool work for general nose interior examination?
See the mayoclinic ENT discussion on "scab-inside-of-left-nose-not-healing". March 27, 2021.
I am not allowed to post the link.
That discussion does not include examination beyond the vestibule.
From your mentor perspective, do you have any specific test experience with an otoscope? Will it show dry, cracked, or damage nasal pathways inward beyond the vestibule? Which is the best brand version of the tool? I am curious about relevant data from other patient's actual experience.

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