Hearing aids in but still not understanding words

Posted by lesmelbourne @lesmelbourne, Apr 16, 2023

I'm trialing advanced Phonak hearing aids that amplify beyond 2KHz tailored to my hearing chart, but still have trouble understanding some words. Subjectively, I feel there is no discernible improvement in understanding, or only minimal improvement. Who else still has trouble understanding words and why is this so?

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Is there any research at Mayo for stem cell therapy, gene therapy or other modalities for treatment of adult neurosensorial hearing loss?

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That is a great question. I have read about stem cell therapy being promising but if anyone has more to offer the group I would welcome their input.
The United States did not actively start treating hearing loss until 1988. Hearing aids continue to improve but it would be nice to be able to find something else that would cure it.
Are other parts of the world ahead of us with this technology?
Welcome anyone’s comments.


Are you thinking of auditory training? There are online programs that you can do. Amptify is one of them, & I think there are others as well. It’s something you can do on your own, without being in a clinic for:

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Thank you!!!Great tip and with a link for starters.

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