New symptoms

Posted by happyjack @happyjack, Oct 30, 2024

Home health nurse came out today for her 2-week visit. I was a bit weak yesterday. I had made some changes to try to better regulate my blood sugar. Been doing well staying in my range but in the high side. Past lows hurt bad and when they recovered, I went extremely high. The average was lower though than my last 2 days. At the dog park yesterday and home the rest of the day I was able to do my activities just a bit slower with my weakness. This morningpain, I was even weaker. I could hardly stay on my feet in the shower. Really tough getting dressed, and I was having a lot of back pain in my C5-6 Stenosis. This resulted in hand pain as it had in the past. Also arm and shoulder. As I was waiting for the nurse to come inside (she must of had to call some and talk to them so it seemed like forever). I started to have feet and leg pain and torso pain, I even had one pretty good hit or a Bells palsy pain in my right jaw. It was like anything including my Whipple was hurting me. All my old pains were returning. I was chilling and very cold but my tempter was normal. I had to go throw up while the nurse was here. I told her I was not going to the dog park but back to bed when she was done and she said to do that right them. After a few hours in the bed things improved. I may have lost some of my pain meds when I threw up and have to wait for hours to take another one. We will see how things are going then. I am not on Chemo. Palliative nurse was contacted by the home health nurse and will check on my today or tomorrow. After a few hours is bed, the chills are gone, and pain is reduced. I am a bit stronger,

Just seemed like a very fast attack on all of my old medical issues by something. Anyone ever have this? Covid is going around but I seldom am around other folks. I have had my booster shot. And my flue shot. It was intense for just a few hours and then is back to the way it was when I got out of bed this morning. Still not as good as I was a few days ago. Thank you for any help you can provide on this,

Best wishes to everyone dealing with cancer.

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Hello, I am sorry for all of this you are enduring. Are you able to keep liquids down? Food?


Hello, I am sorry for all of this you are enduring. Are you able to keep liquids down? Food?

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It was just for about 10 hours yesterday. The really bad stuff was just for about 4 hours and reduced a bit before and the after. Just more time in pain lying in bed wishing it would go away. By 11:00 PM last night I was able to sleep. Foot pain like I had with Chemo seems to be much slower to improve than the other pain. I did switch from chills to being hot and sweating. I am a lot better this morning. If palliative nurse calls today I will ask if there are some meds I can get to use if this or something else returns, I just vomited the one time. I did take a pill for nausea with a boost shake in the afternoon. Last night I was able to have a salad and plain Greek yogurt without any medication. Breakfest was fine this morning also. I did a search for symptoms and did find some a bit like what I had but no reason for it,

Thankyou for checking on me. Best wishes to you and everyone dealing with cancer.


It was just for about 10 hours yesterday. The really bad stuff was just for about 4 hours and reduced a bit before and the after. Just more time in pain lying in bed wishing it would go away. By 11:00 PM last night I was able to sleep. Foot pain like I had with Chemo seems to be much slower to improve than the other pain. I did switch from chills to being hot and sweating. I am a lot better this morning. If palliative nurse calls today I will ask if there are some meds I can get to use if this or something else returns, I just vomited the one time. I did take a pill for nausea with a boost shake in the afternoon. Last night I was able to have a salad and plain Greek yogurt without any medication. Breakfest was fine this morning also. I did a search for symptoms and did find some a bit like what I had but no reason for it,

Thankyou for checking on me. Best wishes to you and everyone dealing with cancer.

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Glad to hear you are getting a little better. Will be praying for you!


It was just for about 10 hours yesterday. The really bad stuff was just for about 4 hours and reduced a bit before and the after. Just more time in pain lying in bed wishing it would go away. By 11:00 PM last night I was able to sleep. Foot pain like I had with Chemo seems to be much slower to improve than the other pain. I did switch from chills to being hot and sweating. I am a lot better this morning. If palliative nurse calls today I will ask if there are some meds I can get to use if this or something else returns, I just vomited the one time. I did take a pill for nausea with a boost shake in the afternoon. Last night I was able to have a salad and plain Greek yogurt without any medication. Breakfest was fine this morning also. I did a search for symptoms and did find some a bit like what I had but no reason for it,

Thankyou for checking on me. Best wishes to you and everyone dealing with cancer.

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Hang in there! I hope you live somewhere that Saturday will be a beautiful Fall day that you could sit outside and enjoy.
On my worst days breathing some fresh air outside helped me immensely. (I know that sounds granola-but a few deep breaths really help for some reason!)


Glad to hear you are getting a little better. Will be praying for you!

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Thank you. I wish you really good things with your treatments.


You are in my prayers

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Thank you and I hope your brother is doing well.


Hang in there! I hope you live somewhere that Saturday will be a beautiful Fall day that you could sit outside and enjoy.
On my worst days breathing some fresh air outside helped me immensely. (I know that sounds granola-but a few deep breaths really help for some reason!)

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I was able to get out before Saturday as it was raining that day. I used to do off road travel and would camp on public land. Sleep in my SUV or in a tent. Early mornings were the best part. Just set and drink coffee and watch the day wake up. For me anytime setting anywhere and drinking coffee is the great. But early mornings at a campfire in gorgeous back country Utah is heaven. Take care and best wishes to you in your fight with cancer,

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