I’ve had constant mucus in throat since Covid 3 years ago.

Posted by catlady76 @catlady76, Sep 29, 2024

I have constant mucus in throat. Have had numerous tests, seen 3 ents and a laryngologist but nothing has helped . Any suggestions?

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I, too, have had lingering sinus problems since having Covid. I get some relief by taking Tylenol Nighttime at bedtime. The antihistamine in it reduces the constant drip that can cause coughing that disturb sleep, and the acetaminophen helps with my arthritis. (Costco’s Acetaminophen PM is cheaper and just as good.) Every morning I use Flonase, for which I followed the directions in the package insert very carefully: two sprays for a week, then one spray daily. A warm mask or compress can also help. As others have mentioned, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. A humidifier in the winter and an air purifier year round are also helpful.


I,too, have had it 3 years. I have autoimmune issues and mine started after Covid vaccine. Have been to all the Drs and they say the same, sinusitis. My sinuses are clear on a scan and I’ve never had sinus issues.
Flonase and Zertec is the main go to but really doesn’t help.
Sorry I’m not more help

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I tried that Flonase stuff and it did not make any difference either. There's got to be an answer out there somewhere...


I took have mucus in throat and a lot of saliva in mouth. It is embarrassing when drooling. Isn't there something to combat this?
No one seems to know what to do.
Any ideas appreciated.

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