Is Raynauds hereditary?

Posted by pstevens67 @pstevens67, Oct 27, 2024

I was told that a forms of Raynauds is hereditary and that it can affect my kid's or skip them and hit their kids and so on down the family. Is that true? I was diagnosed with Raynauds in my early 30's and recently with systemic sclerosis.

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There is a 2023 study out that supports that Raynaud's may be hereditary.
-- ADRA2A and IRX1 are putative risk genes for Raynaud’s phenomenon:

There are quite a few discussions and comments by members on Connect if you would like to look through them. Here is a link for the search results -

Do you have other members in your family who have been diagnosed with Raynaud's Syndrome?


Hi Pstevens
I get Raynauds when I eat/Drink things with too much acid in ie Lactic acid Citric acid and Dairy, fermented things, if I avoid these things my Raynauds goes away, so in my case Raynauds is connected to a low ph when my body has too much acid in. I try and follow an Alkaline diet to keep well and my Ph rises, my symptoms will come back if I have acidic things or acid forming things. Dairy causes me a lot of inflammation ie Carpel Tunnel being one of them. I get a host of symptoms from Dairy.


Hi Pstevens
I get Raynauds when I eat/Drink things with too much acid in ie Lactic acid Citric acid and Dairy, fermented things, if I avoid these things my Raynauds goes away, so in my case Raynauds is connected to a low ph when my body has too much acid in. I try and follow an Alkaline diet to keep well and my Ph rises, my symptoms will come back if I have acidic things or acid forming things. Dairy causes me a lot of inflammation ie Carpel Tunnel being one of them. I get a host of symptoms from Dairy.

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Thank you for the information. My Reynards is when I get cold for the most part. Sometimes it is stress but for the most part, it’s when I get cold and it can happen anytime of the year even when it’s warm out.


There is a 2023 study out that supports that Raynaud's may be hereditary.
-- ADRA2A and IRX1 are putative risk genes for Raynaud’s phenomenon:

There are quite a few discussions and comments by members on Connect if you would like to look through them. Here is a link for the search results -

Do you have other members in your family who have been diagnosed with Raynaud's Syndrome?

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Yes, my daughter seems to be showing signs and my niece. I believe it came from my aunt on my dad side of the family, but I didn’t know she had it until after she passed so I wasn’t able to ask her any questions.


My mother had Raynauds and I have it. She and I also both had/have RLS. She and I both had/have weird side effects to Ambien and Benadryl. I have to believe it is hereditary. I only get Raynauds when I am cold, even just a little bit cold.


Thank you for the information. My Reynards is when I get cold for the most part. Sometimes it is stress but for the most part, it’s when I get cold and it can happen anytime of the year even when it’s warm out.

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Hi - it affects me the same way. I use beet root powder daily - 1 tablespoon and it really helps me.


Thank you for the information. My Reynards is when I get cold for the most part. Sometimes it is stress but for the most part, it’s when I get cold and it can happen anytime of the year even when it’s warm out.

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Yes I get it when I get cold but if I follow a diet without Dairy and the acids in I find when I get cold it doesn’t happen, it seems that diet can affect it.


I have Raynards syndrome, more worse in the cold and winter months, came on when I was diagnosed with Lupus. Two relatives in America, my Niece and my daughter all have Auto-immune
conditions, so it probably is hereditary. But I have stopped having dairy products as this causes irritable bowel syndrome and gut health, and having problems with the gut can lead to other health issues. I have for the last 2 years developed splits in the ends of my fingers, which take ages to heal, so I am now on blood pressure tablets to try and help this condition, as it brings more blood to the extremities like the hands and feet.


I have Raynards syndrome, more worse in the cold and winter months, came on when I was diagnosed with Lupus. Two relatives in America, my Niece and my daughter all have Auto-immune
conditions, so it probably is hereditary. But I have stopped having dairy products as this causes irritable bowel syndrome and gut health, and having problems with the gut can lead to other health issues. I have for the last 2 years developed splits in the ends of my fingers, which take ages to heal, so I am now on blood pressure tablets to try and help this condition, as it brings more blood to the extremities like the hands and feet.

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I have Raynauds and so did my father. I was diagnosed in my 50's by a doctor who noticed my toes were blue. Before that, I never heard of Raynauds. My father was never officially diagnosed, we always thought he had bad circulation in his legs. My cousin's daughter has it, too.
For split nails, I use CeraVe Moisturizing Cream, in a jar, in the morning and at night. The added moisture seems to stop the splitting once the nail grows out. While it's growing out, I use nail glue to keep the nail together. This has worked well for me.


Thank you so much for that. Where did you find that cream because my nails are doing that and have for years

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