I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis.

Posted by mmteach @mmteach, May 10, 2016

I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis. No symptoms yet just starting different tests- another CAT scan, pulminary function test, and possible bronchoscopy. Any advice/suggestions would be greaty appreciated. Thank you!

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I am so sorry that you are suffering like this. I will include you in my prayers. There is a Scripture in the Bible that says " By his Stripes you are healed". I believe you are receiving a healing now. Love Jaguarjenn


Does anyone have a suggestion for a MAC specialist in New Jersey? I am not having much success in finding a pulmonologist that understands this condition.

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Don't know abt NJ but if you can get in to NYC, I am seen at NYU's bronchiectasis & NTM program. My doc is Dr Addrizzo -Harris. The team there is excellent. Others here are seen at Mt Sinai and speak highly of the program there.


Don't know abt NJ but if you can get in to NYC, I am seen at NYU's bronchiectasis & NTM program. My doc is Dr Addrizzo -Harris. The team there is excellent. Others here are seen at Mt Sinai and speak highly of the program there.

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Thanks so much for the info. I have an appointment with Dr Adrrizzo-Harris in December!


Thanks so much for the info. I have an appointment with Dr Adrrizzo-Harris in December!

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I'm pleasantly surprised and happy for you that you got the appointment so soon! Probably doesn't feel soon to you, but I think the doc who referred me had to intervene to get me an appointment in reasonable time.


I'm pleasantly surprised and happy for you that you got the appointment so soon! Probably doesn't feel soon to you, but I think the doc who referred me had to intervene to get me an appointment in reasonable time.

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I think I was just very lucky to have gotten a canceled appointment. Originally I was told maybe Feb or March. Thanks again for your advice.


Hello, and welcome to Mayo Connect. Can you tell us a little about your treatment so far? Are you seeing a doctor who is well-versed in treating MAC?

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Hey Sue. I am at njh right now. Found out I have Mac in a cavity. Don’t know exactly what will be done but maybe amicasin then arikayce. Can you tell me anything about this. Need to work on airway clearance


Hey Sue. I am at njh right now. Found out I have Mac in a cavity. Don’t know exactly what will be done but maybe amicasin then arikayce. Can you tell me anything about this. Need to work on airway clearance

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You are in the perfect place to ask questions at NJH! These are the experts, and you have their attention while you are on site.
Maybe spend some time tonight writing down and organizing what you want to know?

My help would be minimal- I haven't used Arikayce or had a cavity.

Let us know what you learn.

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