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You are correct Camzyos is a “non-covered” drug so it does have to be "authorized" based on a justification from your doctor. My authorization was for one year. I was already in the "donut hole". So, my monthly cost were estimated to be around the $1900 you mentioned. I am not sure how the 2025 out of pocket drug cap of $2,000 will work.

But, thank God I get patience assistance from Bristol Myers. The income limit is higher than you might think.

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Replies to "You are correct Camzyos is a “non-covered” drug so it does have to be "authorized" based..."

Thank you. I will look into the patience assistance program.

Hi -I am new here. Can you tell me more about how much Bristol Myers patient assistance programs helps financially and about how the income qualification aspect works generally speaking - meaning income ranges and coverage potential. It is open season and I just cannot get enough information from my supplemental insurance plan about what they will cover on different plans. I understand that Medicare does not cover Camzyos in either traditional or plan Ds. I am in a bit of a panic here ( I am seeing the Hopkins cardiac REMS next week and I'd like to know what to expect and ask). The doctor I am seeing (his medical coordinator) has not called me back re: what to know beforehand. Do any of you know an average that people are paying once a supplemental plan does authorize the drug. Are they all vastly different? Or is there an average range. Not knowing any of the above is unnerving to say the least. But, I know, one step at a time...deep breath.

I was directed to Healthwell in Maryland, it is a non-profit that can award funds for different diseases/conditions. My co-pay was $1,576. Per month, I was awarded $10,000 for one year to defray the cost of Camzyos. I have since discontinued taking it in order to have a septal myectomy.