3% Saline vs. 7% for Nebulizing

Posted by zscline @zscline, Aug 13, 2024

I started out using 3% saline but the company seemed to discontinue that option. I am finding the 7% saline solution so harsh for nebulizing. True. I do cough out a lot of mucus but feel almost exhausted when I finish 20 min. of this. I am wondering if the process is only helping to clear my lungs or if it's irritating my throat and lungs and generating more mucus than need be. Any comments or suggestions? I plan to talk to my pulmonologist about this but don't have an appointment until the end of the month. Thanks!

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I was told to do airway clearance first thing in the morning and before bed. I don't produce much mucus when doing my acapella and felt like I was trying too hard and was going to hurt my lungs with a hard huff cough. I have been doing it like that for over 2 years and was told it’s okay. Now they want me to try nebulizing with albuterol, then saline and then Aerobika. All of the sudden it seems like a lot. I’ve been looking at posts here and watching videos to know how to do all this new stuff.
In reading the Aerobika it instructs to breathe in thru the devise and out, I never breathed into Acappela, just out… Do others breathe in and out Aerobika or just out? Also, I was wondering if I can rinse my neb and aerobika parts in distilled water or is it better to use boiled rinse water. I was never too concerned because I never breathed in on anything before.

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you can just breath out with the Aerobika if you prefer. That is what I do. To clean and sterilize your nebulizer cups and Aerobika there should be instructions from the manufacturer that came with them. You do need to clean in soapy water and rinse both daily. And also sterilize them at least weekly or more often depending on your situation.


Keeping the Aerobika in my mouth, I usually breathe in through my nose, then out through the device. Breathing in through my nose seems to be less irritating to my throat. I clean as Irene suggests, daily soap and water, sterilizing less often.


I was told to do airway clearance first thing in the morning and before bed. I don't produce much mucus when doing my acapella and felt like I was trying too hard and was going to hurt my lungs with a hard huff cough. I have been doing it like that for over 2 years and was told it’s okay. Now they want me to try nebulizing with albuterol, then saline and then Aerobika. All of the sudden it seems like a lot. I’ve been looking at posts here and watching videos to know how to do all this new stuff.
In reading the Aerobika it instructs to breathe in thru the devise and out, I never breathed into Acappela, just out… Do others breathe in and out Aerobika or just out? Also, I was wondering if I can rinse my neb and aerobika parts in distilled water or is it better to use boiled rinse water. I was never too concerned because I never breathed in on anything before.

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I start my day with ACTs (around 6:30 am).
1- I nebulize with albuterol (I have asthma)
2-Hypertonic saline 7%
3-Aeorobika or flutter
4-Autogenic Drainage
5-Smart vest for 15 minutes
8-Go for a walk or to the gym
I do not produce or cough out a lot of mucus, but I do everything possible to keep my lungs clean.
Before bedtime I repeat the same steps except the exercises . It is exhausting and time consuming. I use that time for my prayers, some TV, and text to family/ friends. I am 64 , was diagnosed with BE in December 2023. I was very sick, lost 23 pounds. This year, I only had one exacerbation in February. I want to stay well this winter. We are different and ACTs works different for us. I think we need to find the balance, making our lungs our priority. This is a long journey. Good luck!


I start my day with ACTs (around 6:30 am).
1- I nebulize with albuterol (I have asthma)
2-Hypertonic saline 7%
3-Aeorobika or flutter
4-Autogenic Drainage
5-Smart vest for 15 minutes
8-Go for a walk or to the gym
I do not produce or cough out a lot of mucus, but I do everything possible to keep my lungs clean.
Before bedtime I repeat the same steps except the exercises . It is exhausting and time consuming. I use that time for my prayers, some TV, and text to family/ friends. I am 64 , was diagnosed with BE in December 2023. I was very sick, lost 23 pounds. This year, I only had one exacerbation in February. I want to stay well this winter. We are different and ACTs works different for us. I think we need to find the balance, making our lungs our priority. This is a long journey. Good luck!

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Siri my routine is quite similar except I use vest with aerobika. Since you do not produce or cough much, does the auto genic drainage help you cough up some or you do it because it’s the right thing to do. Also why the vest at the end? I cough up clear mucus only during sodium chloride 7% nebulizing unless I catch an infection. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes it feels so personal all that coughing and huffing and spitting.


Thanks @zscline, that is really warm hearted. I do have MAC infection going on but I recently started to have a little bit bloody sputum, so I am wondering whether it is cause by airway clearance, or by saline 7%, or by my medication amikacin, or because I have been staying up late recently as I am still working, but I plan to take sick leave next month soon!

It is definitely a highly tricky one, so many uncertainties down the road, not like take a pill for two weeks, and you are done! We have to accept whatever life throws to us and keep adaption.

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Do you have Bronchiectasis also along with your MAC infection. Can you tell the difference of the two by any different way if symptoms you have?


Do you have Bronchiectasis also along with your MAC infection. Can you tell the difference of the two by any different way if symptoms you have?

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I don`t have MAC infection, but I have an autoimmune condition that makes me more susceptible to get infections. My immune system is very weak and I don`t do well with any kind of antibiotics. This is the reason I work so hard to keep my lungs clean. I also have gastroparesis (paralysis of the stomach), my food intake is very low. I struggle to fight infections, because the lack of adequate nutrition.


Siri my routine is quite similar except I use vest with aerobika. Since you do not produce or cough much, does the auto genic drainage help you cough up some or you do it because it’s the right thing to do. Also why the vest at the end? I cough up clear mucus only during sodium chloride 7% nebulizing unless I catch an infection. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes it feels so personal all that coughing and huffing and spitting.

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Hi Lilianna!

I follow Dr Pamela McShane protocol. She specializes in bronchiectasis at University of TX-Tyler. She recommends to use Aerobika and the vest after the saline because the lungs are moist and that helps remove the mucus. Even if we don`t cough anything, the mucus still gets loose. My mornings are more productive than the evenings. I do Autogenic Drainage because at the end when I cough, I feel my chest feels better.

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