Surgery Follow-up and pathology report

Posted by happyjack @happyjack, Aug 1, 2024

Had my follow-up with my surgeon today. He had said over a month ago that I was stage 2 or 3 and could not give me a size on the tumor. 3 weeks ago I had Whipple surgery and the pathology report states I have stage 3 pancan. That 9 of 28 lymph nodes taken had cancer cells. Another lymph node, hepatic artery, resection: was negative for carcinoma. This is the info listed on the Tumor:

Tumor Site: Pancreatic head
Histologic Type: Ductal adenocarcinoma (NOS)
Histologic Grade: G2, moderately differentiated
Tumor Size: 4.9x4.1x3.9 cm
Site(s) Involved by Direct Tumor Extension: Ampulla of Vater or sphincter of Oddi, Duodenal wall, Peripancreatic soft tissues

I do not know if any of that is important or not. Or what it means but I thought I would add it for those who know a lot more than I do. I have not had imaging done for over 2 months and am still concerned I am stage 4 with a very small tumor(s) somewhere that has not been detected yet. I am still waiting to get an appointment with an Oncologist. That will be my first question for him.

Is there any other information that I should look for and be concerned about in the pathology report?

Best of luck to everyone with your fight against cancer.

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To Happyjack...makes me glad I said NO to the oral chemo, supposed to be easy. As I am 84 years old, I prefer to spend my last years comfortably. Might be different if I were younger...I had to quit the infusion chemo before the Whipple because I could not tolerate it, so I have experience with side effects. Two years since I was diagnosed, 1 1/2 years since the Whipple, one metastasis causing blockage in the ureter and stents from the kidney to the outside world, radiation on said metastasis 3 months ago with reduction in the CA-19--I'm a happy camper. Enjoy walking your dog, savor your life, be grateful--those can make a huge difference when medication does not seem to be the answer.


To Happyjack...makes me glad I said NO to the oral chemo, supposed to be easy. As I am 84 years old, I prefer to spend my last years comfortably. Might be different if I were younger...I had to quit the infusion chemo before the Whipple because I could not tolerate it, so I have experience with side effects. Two years since I was diagnosed, 1 1/2 years since the Whipple, one metastasis causing blockage in the ureter and stents from the kidney to the outside world, radiation on said metastasis 3 months ago with reduction in the CA-19--I'm a happy camper. Enjoy walking your dog, savor your life, be grateful--those can make a huge difference when medication does not seem to be the answer.

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Thank you for the kind words. Wishing you and everyone else nothing but good things going forward with this.


I was scheduled for 21 days on and 7 days off. Oral meds were 3 500mg tablets of Capecitabine twice a day and IV Gemzar once a week for the 3 weeks and skip the off week. I did a search of those meds on this site and found that they were said to be a milder chemo than others with low side effects. But this was not the case for me. Saturday morning, I had red tingling hands. I was told this could happen and put lotion on them. They worsened as the day went on and Saturday evening the bottom of my feet started to be a little sore. I put lotion on my feet. Sunday morning things were a lot worse and neuropathy pain started. The soreness in my feet became so bad I could barely walk, and the neuropathy pain increased to a brutal level. I called the on-call doctor and advised him of what was going on and he had me stop the oral mads. He said it usually takes 2-3 weeks for Hand-Foot Syndrome to develop and for mine to happen with in 24-48 hours was indication that I needed to stop the Capecitabine. He said my symptoms could get worse and there was nothing he could do. I was not able to sleep at all Sunday night. Monday, I called my doctors nurse's direct number and left a message about the HFS and Neuropathy pain. I advised them to cancel all my scheduled appointments. Not what I signed up for. I didn't even have any diarrhea. I had just the opposite with a bit more constipation. The symptoms I had Saturday were not bad enough that I would have continued with the treatments. But after the brutal pain on Sunday, treatments are no longer an option I want continue. I gradually improved and today was the first day I could take my dog to the dog part. My feet are still a little bit sore, and I last had a little neuropathy pain last night. I will have to see if it occurs again tonight. I am starting feel better and can exercise again. I hope I will be able to continue to improve.

Thank you for checking on me and all the best to everyone dealing with cancer.

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How are you doing now A lot of what you said as for pathology and your surgery sounds a lot like my brother Frank


How are you doing now A lot of what you said as for pathology and your surgery sounds a lot like my brother Frank

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I am doing pretty good. Sorry to read about your brother. Wishing nothing but good things for him going forward with his fight.


I am doing pretty good. Sorry to read about your brother. Wishing nothing but good things for him going forward with his fight.

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Thank you for sharing your journey you are in my prayers


Thank you for sharing your journey you are in my prayers

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Thank you for that. And thank you to everyone who has helped me on this site. Best wishes to all.


Wanted to let you know my brother Frankie is home after 2 months in the hospital after whipple surgery .hes doing good at home I know he has a tough road ahead as Dr will see if he can do chemo


Wanted to let you know my brother Frankie is home after 2 months in the hospital after whipple surgery .hes doing good at home I know he has a tough road ahead as Dr will see if he can do chemo

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That is good news. I will continue to send good wishes to him and you and yours.


2 months! He must be a fighter!!

Thank you for the good news!


That is good news. I will continue to send good wishes to him and you and yours.

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My older brother had Whipple surgery for pancreatic ductal cell cancer 15 yrs. ago. He's 82 now and thriving. I hope your brother has the same luck. My brother is also a Frank.

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