Tinnitus or what?

Posted by pabo2024 @pabo2024, Aug 6, 2024

I have experienced temporary, ‘normal’, tinnitus, ie identifiable ringing located per either ear. I also have a constant ultra-high pitched tone, not associated with ear location, but centered in the middle of my head. It is going on now for almost 40 years. Is this a form of tinnitus, or something else? Other than white noise, can anything be done to eliminate it? I miss dear, sweet silence.

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Hi, I am new just logged on! I’m 64 male, I have ringing in the ear or ears! Not sure if one or both! Been suffering with mild to very loud hissing, ringing sound 24/7! I have had ENT check it out, I have been told it is not from tinnitus! Would anyone know what may be the cause? When I was child I did have viral encephalitis! I am not sure I that is the culprit or not, if anyone suffering from ringing outside tinnitus! And has any info for a treatment! I’ll gladly name my first born after you!😉! Andrew


Ringing from Tinnitus never stops. It is 24/7.


My tinnitus does fluctuate. Sometimes very loud and other times tolerable. Mine is more in my left ear, but as someone else noted, can seem to be my whole head.
Soft, meditation type music helps some, and I use an air purifier at night. The “white noise” from the fan helps me to settle down. I also have hyperacusis. The combo is tough, as many of you know.
I have tried a Lenire devise. It seemed to make things worse. Perhaps the setting is too high. I am taking a break, and then will try less volume.


Ringing from Tinnitus never stops. It is 24/7.

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I have tinnitus but it is greatly reduced from where it used to be. You might try the supplement taurine (commonly found in energy drinks) taken during the day and 5 mg of melatonin before bedtime. There are some other supplements that are found doing a web search that could be helpful. Be sure you start wearing really good ear protection when you do noisy things like running the vacuum cleaner, using a noisy hair dryer, and using lawn and garden tools that are loud. My doctors, including one ENT were never helpful in recommending anything for tinnitus, and that has always seemed so odd to me. One doctor's answer was just "I have it too". Good luck! Be sure to wear ear protection, the best you can afford, like noise reduction earphones.


I have had tinnitus for most of my adult life. Finally, I went and saw a Audiologist and found out I had a significant hearing loss and now wear hearing aids. I had seen other doctors for this and no one knew what it was or gave me some passive answer and sent me home. I would highly recommend an Audiologist. I was only in my mid 40's when I was diagnosed with hearing loss. It has to do with the nerves in your inner ear.


I have had tinnitus for most of my adult life. Finally, I went and saw a Audiologist and found out I had a significant hearing loss and now wear hearing aids. I had seen other doctors for this and no one knew what it was or gave me some passive answer and sent me home. I would highly recommend an Audiologist. I was only in my mid 40's when I was diagnosed with hearing loss. It has to do with the nerves in your inner ear.

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Did the hearing aids help with the tinnitus?


@patriciapardo, yes, the hearing aids help with the tinnitus. When I am wearing them, I don't hear it. That is the wonderful part of wearing them. When I do take them out at the end of the day, I only hear the tinnitus, very mildly.


I have tinnitus but it is greatly reduced from where it used to be. You might try the supplement taurine (commonly found in energy drinks) taken during the day and 5 mg of melatonin before bedtime. There are some other supplements that are found doing a web search that could be helpful. Be sure you start wearing really good ear protection when you do noisy things like running the vacuum cleaner, using a noisy hair dryer, and using lawn and garden tools that are loud. My doctors, including one ENT were never helpful in recommending anything for tinnitus, and that has always seemed so odd to me. One doctor's answer was just "I have it too". Good luck! Be sure to wear ear protection, the best you can afford, like noise reduction earphones.

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What dosage for taurine and has it helped you. I believe I got it from taking an SSRI, lexapro, Wonder if anyone on this site got tinnitus from taking an SSRI.


Taurine - 300 mg per day. I take mine during the day, but taking it before bedtime might be preferable since the stomach would be less full at bedtime.


Taurine - 300 mg per day. I take mine during the day, but taking it before bedtime might be preferable since the stomach would be less full at bedtime.

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Sorry, make that 500 mg per day of taurine. I re0read the bottle label.

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