William Olsen, Volunteer Mentor | @hrhwilliam | Oct 17 7:45am
Surgical clips or staples are biologically inert. They can be left inside the body where a possible bleed might result using sutures. It’s not uncommon.
Had TORS and neck dissection in late June. Didn’t know I had the staples until I was scheduled for an extra powerful MRI for a separate issue and they told me they couldn’t do it because of the risk of them either overheating or moving. Regular MRI is fine.
The thyroid was removed. The surgeon left the surgical clips. I can see the way I described that the 1st time was confusing. That happened 30 years or so in the past.
Did she ever have any issues with the clips being left in? My doctor never told me he left mine in, I’m kind of upset. I’m not having any complications but it’s a foreign body in my neck.
We are not sure. My wife has had a lot of issues normalizing energy over the years since her surgery. She was put on adderol to help her stay active. I do not think she could function without it. We are not sure if the staples are the cause. Whenever a doctor sees a neck ex ray they are surprised to see the staples. I do not think it is a common practice to keep them in.
Surgical clips or staples are biologically inert. They can be left inside the body where a possible bleed might result using sutures. It’s not uncommon.
Had TORS and neck dissection in late June. Didn’t know I had the staples until I was scheduled for an extra powerful MRI for a separate issue and they told me they couldn’t do it because of the risk of them either overheating or moving. Regular MRI is fine.
Did she ever have any issues with the clips being left in? My doctor never told me he left mine in, I’m kind of upset. I’m not having any complications but it’s a foreign body in my neck.
We are not sure. My wife has had a lot of issues normalizing energy over the years since her surgery. She was put on adderol to help her stay active. I do not think she could function without it. We are not sure if the staples are the cause. Whenever a doctor sees a neck ex ray they are surprised to see the staples. I do not think it is a common practice to keep them in.