Liver Damage after Covid: What signs mean I should I call the doctor?

Posted by cayugalily @cayugalily, Oct 16, 2024

Just home. Liver Damage. Dr following lab tests. Any signs I should be aware that I should call doctor. Lot going on. Looking for physical signs. Skin swelling, color etc that I need to call Dr. Told to go to ER if any problems but not what to be aware of. Coughing fatigue headache but noticed eye swelling underneath. Just hit me I almost died in Covid Trauma ICU. I'm my own support team.
Thank you.

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Any support group for covid liver damage. Thanks


I am sorry you are dealing with this. My son just tested high for ammonia, which I believe is liver-related, but we have received no instructions yet. If I hear anything, I will let you know. I just wanted you to know that someone was listening and reading.


I am sorry you are dealing with this. My son just tested high for ammonia, which I believe is liver-related, but we have received no instructions yet. If I hear anything, I will let you know. I just wanted you to know that someone was listening and reading.

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I will say that we are seeing a mitochondrial specialist and there may be a connection.


Unfortunately, I was just confirmed on release from the hospital. Being monitored by family physician. If final diagnosis is permanent than Ibhopecgo be referred to a specialist. Thank you for answering.


I am sorry you are dealing with this. My son just tested high for ammonia, which I believe is liver-related, but we have received no instructions yet. If I hear anything, I will let you know. I just wanted you to know that someone was listening and reading.

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Waiting for follow up lab work. Permanent or not to be determined.

Hope you get an answer soon.



I’m sorry you’re dealing with this! I have had liver problems since getting Covid in 2020. For over a year after, my liver enzymes were very high. I had to go in to the clinic every month for lab work. My primary doctor called it Covid-induced hepatitis. Since then they’ve been between normal and a little above normal range. I can tell when they are higher because I bruise very easy. I have been taking an over the counter supplement called Liver Care that has helped me. I hope your health improves.


You may want to look into Glutathione. My LC doctor has suggested I use Glutathione patches that you can order off of Amazon. It is supposed to help support healthy liver function. As always, check with your doctor.


@cayugalily, I'm glad that you are being followed by your PCP. Here are signs and symptoms from Mayo Clinic info that you should be aware of:
- Liver disease

Liver disease doesn't always cause symptoms that can be seen or felt. If there are symptoms of liver disease, they may include:
- Yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, called jaundice. Yellowing of the skin might be harder to see on Black or brown skin.
- Belly pain and swelling.
- Swelling in the legs and ankles.
- Itchy skin.
- Dark urine.
- Pale stool.
- Constant tiredness.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Loss of appetite.
- Bruising easily.

When to see a doctor
Make an appointment with your healthcare professional if you have any lasting symptoms that worry you. Seek medical help right away if you have belly pain that is so bad that you can't stay still.

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