HoLEP and Morcellation

Posted by rfherald @rfherald, Oct 13, 2024

I plan to have HoLEP done in a couple of months. I was sent a description of the procedure and it included the mention of morcellation. Is this standard practice? There is some concern about the use of morcellation which could spread cancer cells in the area to the blood system and the rest of the body. Does anyone have any knowledge of this? If you have had the HoLEP procedure done, was morcellation used?

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The tissue is remved as one piece while pushing
It back into the bladder. The morcellation process is used to break up and suck out the tissue. It's a standard procedure with holep. Most of the tissue will be gone/ evacuated from the bladder once the procedure is completed.


After giving it some thought, I believe that the morcellation pieces of the prostate will be contained within the walls of the prostate and there will be no crossover from the cancer in the duodenum into the prostate or bladder. Thanks for your response.

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