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Replies to "I have fibro, ibs. I get muscle tightness or spasm on my side if I twist...."
Fibromyalgia | Last Active: Feb 23 10:52am | Replies (25)
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Replies to "I have fibro, ibs. I get muscle tightness or spasm on my side if I twist...."
I got this, too. It's especially bad in the morning when I'm trying to get out of bed. Really affects my breathing, too. I finally connected mine to too much stress and anxiety. If I make a concerted effort to reduce any stress, be real kind to myself (e.g., lots of warm/hot baths), whatever's calming to me, for about 4-6 weeks, it does go away.
Hope this helps!
I use this stuff and it works quick. I get it from Amazon. Best to dilute a little bit but not much. You want it concentrated when it hits your stomach.