Anyone had colpocleisis surgery? I want to learn more
What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?
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What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?
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Hello @csues and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm really sorry to hear of the post-surgery problems you are experiencing. It sounds like a visit to a new doctor might be helpful to you. I would recommend going to a multi-disciplinary medical center, for a second opinion, like Mayo Clinic (a link to appointment information for Mayo Clinic or a university medical school where you can see what can be done to help you.
Is there a multi-disciplinary medical center near you where you can obtain another opinion?
Good morning Teresa. Yes there is and my OBGYN has made an appointment for me to see her on Oct 21, 2024 to see what could be casuing the issues.
Thank you for you email. CSueS
Good morning Sharnie, I'm glad I did the surgery but not sure what life is like aftewards. At the moment I'm having the burnng and pain urinating. My OBGYN has made an appointment for me with her on Oct 21, 2024.
I look forward to hearing from you again after your appointment on October 21.
Will you post an update and let me know if you were able to get any new information or help?
Yes I will post what I find out on Oct 21
Hi hopeful@33250 Teresa and sharnie@sharnie. Saw my obgyn this morning 10.21.2024 and she said that everything looked good. Healing looks good and saw no diesases of any kind. Did another urnie test to rule out any infections. Has me scheduled for a follow-up video confernece with her in one month. Asked me to cut out all artifical sugars for the next month to see if this could be causing my issue. Praying that this will clear up my issues. Since I am a Kaiser Permanente client see searched their website to see if they had a support group, videos or any information abut this type of surgery and what life would be like afterwards and found nothing. I mentioned that I found the Mayo Clinic site about people who had the surgery and she was happy about that. I mentioned I felt like I was going throuh menopause again becasue my emotions are all over the place, I cry it
seems for no reason. She said NO I wasn't and asked how I felt about having done the surgery. I said I am glad I did the surgery and wish I had done it 10 years ago at 66 and not 76. Thank you both CSueS
I hope you find relief soon.
Good morning Sharnie. Just got my urine test back and it says I have >100,000 cfu/ml enterococcus. Waitng for my obgyn to get back to me on how she wants to treat it. Not happy about this because I have never had a uti in my life. Not sure why I'm having this issue now. Has anyone else gotten a uti after having this type of surgery?
Hi, @sharnie - I had a different surgery in that region in 2012, a prolapse repair. I got a UTI during my recovery period, which I understand is common post-prolapse surgery.
I saw some information in the results section of an article in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology that you may be interested in:
Perioperative adverse events associated with colpocleisis for uterovaginal and posthysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse,Results,occurring%20in%2034.7%25%20of%20subjects.
In all, 245 subjects underwent colpocleisis during the study period. Mean age and body mass index were 78 (±7) years and 27.7 (±5.8) kg/m2, respectively; 59.1% (140/245) of subjects had stage-4 prolapse. The most common adverse event was urinary tract infection occurring in 34.7% of subjects.
I do recall that medication cleared up the UTI rather quickly, though I turned out to have a reaction (rash) from the first medication I was given. I think that is pretty rare.
How are you doing today, @sharnie?
Hi @lisalucier and @sharnie . Thank you for the link and I have read it. I'm 6 mos out from having the surgery. Having a differcult time going to the bathroom today. Waiting to see what my obgyn has to say about what type of uti it is and how she is going to treat it. I notice that if I drink my 64 oz s of fluids am okay with a light buring. I'm keeping a log each day. I'll be up most of the night becasue I'm trying to get my fluids in.
My husband has been great about helping me research what >100,000 cfu/ml Enterococcus species means, etc. I cannot remember his exact words but he said there are different species of baterica that lives in this name and that the DR has to request find out which one I have before any treatment can been done. So as of this moment I'm waiting to hear from her. Praying htat the Lord can help heal this and I can get back to living.
Thank you for the information. As I find out more I will post again. I do check everyday the Mayo websie to see what others are saying and experiencing. Sorry for any typos. Have a blessed night - csues