Trial removal of catheter

Posted by peterj116 @peterj116, Sep 27, 2024

I've just read my discharge papers after prostatectomy.
It says I'm booked in 2 weeks for a TROC.
Google says that's a *Trial* Removal Of Catheter.

Why Trial? What does that mean?
Are they likely to put it back - and under what circumstances?
Great. Now I get to have nightmares for 2 weeks.

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One other thing I'd love to clarify, please.. In the hospital, the nurse explaining the catheter before I went home said that to use the night bag, attach it to the bottom of the leg bag.

I spent weeks watching YouTube videos (mainly American) about the day/night bags & they all disconnected the leg bag & replaced it with the night bag. Makes sense to me.
I asked my sister-in-law (nurse) in Australia & they attach the night bag to the day bag.
It all makes the tubing really long & annoying in bed.
What's the standard procedure - or do we have some weird down-under method?

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I never used the night bag - long tube that goes into the bag in the floor. I thought I might roll over and pull something out.
The regular leg bag filled and oddly enough it woke me up when it was full just as if my bladder was full and I had to get up to pee.


I never used the night bag - long tube that goes into the bag in the floor. I thought I might roll over and pull something out.
The regular leg bag filled and oddly enough it woke me up when it was full just as if my bladder was full and I had to get up to pee.

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That's a better system, but not sure I'd want to risk it.
Did anyone else feel the catheter days go real slow?
I only left hospital last Thursday & it's only Tuesday (3am) now.
Feels like it's been weeks.


Yes, seems lengthy, but more a mild nuisance than anything else.


Peter - they make sure you are healed enough for tube removal , which is a good thing . You will be fine. 90% of the time its strictly routine here in Canada. Im sure you will be more than fine. I walked around a ton and even went for light hikes with the dogs with mine in ! Dr said it would help me heal and lots of vitamin C to encourage me to heal up as well. Lots of. good sleep and good healthy foods... you will be fine . Let us know how it went . God Bless ! James on Vancouver Island .


I wonder what problems warrant a reinsertion.
New fear unlocked.

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My urethra collapsed
after prostate surgery (robatic) Wore a suprapubic
cathedar and had to have my urethra recomstructed.

Thats what can happen.


That's a better system, but not sure I'd want to risk it.
Did anyone else feel the catheter days go real slow?
I only left hospital last Thursday & it's only Tuesday (3am) now.
Feels like it's been weeks.

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I had a catheter in for 3 days after a Green Light Laser. It was absolute torture and I felt it and thought about it constantly.
But the two week stretch after robotic surgery was a breeze - didn’t even feel it; but maybe that was because the rest of me felt like I had gone 15 rounds with Smokin Joe Frazier.
Try to walk on a treadmill or outside weather permitting. You can really do many light activities after surgery as long as you don’t strain or overdo it. It will take your mind off of the catheter quite a bit.


I had a catheter in for 3 days after a Green Light Laser. It was absolute torture and I felt it and thought about it constantly.
But the two week stretch after robotic surgery was a breeze - didn’t even feel it; but maybe that was because the rest of me felt like I had gone 15 rounds with Smokin Joe Frazier.
Try to walk on a treadmill or outside weather permitting. You can really do many light activities after surgery as long as you don’t strain or overdo it. It will take your mind off of the catheter quite a bit.

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That's interesting. Never heard of it.
Just reading about it.
" After laser prostate surgery, the catheter can usually be removed early in the morning the day after surgery. Once you have had plenty to drink and have passed urine a few times, you will be free to go home.

Passing urine will sting to begin with, and drinking bicarbonate sachets will help by making the urine less acidic."

Is it this?
and has anyone tried it after a prostatectomy?


That's interesting. Never heard of it.
Just reading about it.
" After laser prostate surgery, the catheter can usually be removed early in the morning the day after surgery. Once you have had plenty to drink and have passed urine a few times, you will be free to go home.

Passing urine will sting to begin with, and drinking bicarbonate sachets will help by making the urine less acidic."

Is it this?
and has anyone tried it after a prostatectomy?

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There’s something wrong with what you have read. Because the prostate has been removed they have to reconnect the urethra since the prostate has been removed, it’s two separate pieces that have to be reconnected between the bladder and the penis. That doesn’t heal overnight. It takes a couple of weeks to heal properly.

I can assure you that no one here, that has had their prostate removed, has had that catheter taken out the next day. It doesn’t heal that quick.


There’s something wrong with what you have read. Because the prostate has been removed they have to reconnect the urethra since the prostate has been removed, it’s two separate pieces that have to be reconnected between the bladder and the penis. That doesn’t heal overnight. It takes a couple of weeks to heal properly.

I can assure you that no one here, that has had their prostate removed, has had that catheter taken out the next day. It doesn’t heal that quick.

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Oh, that was in relation to another procedure, I think.
I'd never heard of green laser surgery, so I looked it up & ended up at
which I think is just removing some of the prostate.

But would the bit about bicarbonate still apply in my case, in relation to reducing urination discomfort post-catheter?


Oh, that was in relation to another procedure, I think.
I'd never heard of green laser surgery, so I looked it up & ended up at
which I think is just removing some of the prostate.

But would the bit about bicarbonate still apply in my case, in relation to reducing urination discomfort post-catheter?

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Peter, Yes you are correct about catheter removal one day after Green Light Laser.
It was a total cluster***k because of my insurance. The hospital at which the surgery was to be done was dropping my plan on Good Friday at midnight.
I only wanted my Uro at that time to do the procedure so it was done on Good Friday 6 AM. She and her staff were off for the rest of the weekend so I had to wear the cath for 3 days. Easter really sucked that year!

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