Novavax Covid Vaccine - Safer choice for PMR Patients?

Posted by mikeshell @mikeshell, Sep 28, 2024

I was diagnosed with PMR very soon after my Pfizer vaccines. My Rheumatologist advised that I discontinue Covid vaccines (which I did) . Since then, I have read numerous articles about the possibility mRNA vaccine truly caused my immune system to develop into PMR. I caught Covid last Christmas and was very sick and spent time in the ICU. My question: Should I get the Novavax this fall as it is a more conventional vaccine (for added protection) since it doesd does not utilize mRNA science? My Rheumatologist (PA) thinks it's a wise choice. My family doctor doesn't respond to my inquiries therefore I'm looking for advice. Thank you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Glad you asked this question. I developed multiple autoimmune diseases after having Covid in 2021. Really changed my life. I did all the Pfizer vaccinations except the last two. Also had Covid in 2022
and again January 2024, despite being very cautious, staying home and wearing mask. So not sure what caused what. Am quite nervous about challenging my over enthusiastic immune system with more vaccines. My rhuematologist says I should get flu and Covid vaccinations. On two immunosuppressants also, so might not mount much of a protection.


I've never had covid to my knowledge due to being extremely careful with precautions and lucky to have a pod of people protecting me plus I was already disabled and mostly staying home.

However I was also one of the unfortunate few who reacted poorly to the mRNA vaccine. After my booster shot in December of 2021 my immune system went haywire and hasn't been right since.

It was after that I developed PMR for the first time out of the blue along with a bunch of other new health issues.

I've thought of trying Novavax as well after reading about it and hearing it's traditional protein technology has fewer side effects and causes less reactions overall as well as offering more robust protection from current circulating strains of covid, but I'm too worried about challenging my immune system any further especially since my PMR is still quite bad despite being on high dose prednisone, methotrexate and recently having added the biologic Kevzara.

It's improving but I feel like I can't take any further chances personally with anything that challenges my immune system.

If you do end up getting The Novavax please let us know how it goes. Best of luck to you!


Glad you asked this question. I developed multiple autoimmune diseases after having Covid in 2021. Really changed my life. I did all the Pfizer vaccinations except the last two. Also had Covid in 2022
and again January 2024, despite being very cautious, staying home and wearing mask. So not sure what caused what. Am quite nervous about challenging my over enthusiastic immune system with more vaccines. My rhuematologist says I should get flu and Covid vaccinations. On two immunosuppressants also, so might not mount much of a protection.

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Hi I just wanted to comment to you about the way I've been able to stay safe from COVID that has really worked.

First I followed the science extremely closely the entire pandemic on Twitter and was following a lot of researchers and scientists and reading papers so I was aware from the beginning how serious a threat this virus
SARS-CoV-2 aka Covid really is.

Then I joined multiple groups on Facebook called Still Coviding (including a local one where we get together masked and do activities) and they are fantastic sources of information and resources and filled with truly knowledgeable, helpful, kind people who are still taking precautions and can explain simple yet extremely effective ways we can continue to stay as safe as possible.

I can't tell you how much this group has protected me and kept me safe throughout this ongoing pandemic, but seeing how badly just the mRNA booster affected my immune system, I can't imagine what an actual infection with COVID might do and I hope to never find out!

I'm sorry you've had to experience this, but hopefully with certain precautions in place you can avoid future infections.

And if I do finally catch Covid at some point, I have a ton of strategies up my sleeve to hopefully prevent some of the worst long-term effects thanks to the Still Coviding community people and the fantastic science and tips they share. Take care and maybe I'll see you over there!


Interesting question. PMR was diagnosed for me after the Shingrix vaccination which my Rheum said "may have had something to do with it" - irritating an already dormant I am wary of all vaccines.


I've never had covid to my knowledge due to being extremely careful with precautions and lucky to have a pod of people protecting me plus I was already disabled and mostly staying home.

However I was also one of the unfortunate few who reacted poorly to the mRNA vaccine. After my booster shot in December of 2021 my immune system went haywire and hasn't been right since.

It was after that I developed PMR for the first time out of the blue along with a bunch of other new health issues.

I've thought of trying Novavax as well after reading about it and hearing it's traditional protein technology has fewer side effects and causes less reactions overall as well as offering more robust protection from current circulating strains of covid, but I'm too worried about challenging my immune system any further especially since my PMR is still quite bad despite being on high dose prednisone, methotrexate and recently having added the biologic Kevzara.

It's improving but I feel like I can't take any further chances personally with anything that challenges my immune system.

If you do end up getting The Novavax please let us know how it goes. Best of luck to you!

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I can relate to your caution for vaccine related topics, especially after taking Prednisone and having PMR. The Novavax is a real vaccine, where the other 2 were emergency issue Band-Aids without the time studies required for most vaccines, hence the mRNA being a deadly issue (finally published now) for some of us that were forced to take the vaccines. Novavax is Protein base, so personally, I would be skeptic over this factor, due to PMR's relation to multiple Proteins also, plus the vaccine mentioned effects the Immune System, which you already have a problem dealing with. For me, anything mentioning "R/X" Immune System or Proteins I stay away from, unless it is in Natural form as a food or herbal supplement, in moderation.
My wife & I both were mandated to take the vaccines and a booster during COVID due to working at our school district or loose employment. She took the Moderna, I took the Pfizer, plus a booster. We both had COVID earlier in the year and were prescribed the Paxlovid, 5 day oral treatment. My wife suffered, but later discovered she also had HEP A from frozen berries recall at the same time. For me, I have had a few colds that were much worse than this simple, mild no big deal issue. W.H.O. has stated masks have very little prevention, even the N95 due to the size of COVID particles. We both take the extra-strength Flu Immunization shots every October, but both Refuse Any More Vaccinations for COVID or RSV. IF you find an honest, caring Pharmacist, they are a Great Source for Immunizations and Meds info. My experience is that many are totally opposed to most of these treatments. May I suggest you spend time studying online, reputable, multiple Medical Sources for contents and side effects of your questionable medications or vaccines, not solely on "opinions" that every one of us has-LOL.
Best Wishes for any "Getting Gooder" results.

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