UPDATE: Narcissistic partner, struggling to cope as I am leaving.

Posted by redtulip54 @redtulip54, Sep 27, 2024

Hi all. I did leave, I can't believe it, but I did! When I posted first, I planned to go in 2 weeks, it took 5 weeks. I am missing my partner, I am so sad, tired, and worried about my future, but deep down in my guts, I know I made the right choice. I don't think all I had was a trauma bond, there was a real connection, lots of good times, our love for our cats and losing them bonded us, and ease of traveling together. 10 years of life. But, the cheating, the drinking, the way he can switch, like Jekyll and Hyde. I learned, to know more about people, get in a car with them, and let them drive. Watch how they drive and treat other drivers on the road. He always feels entitled and thinks everyone drives badly, and should give him way, inpatient, and points out everyone's mistakes. He would not think that people are different, and that some people need more time to do their stuff on the road. If someone cut in front of him, it would enrage him. He always drives with lights on during day time. He told me this is for safety, but I think it is to intimidate people. Anyway, I do feel lost and really missing the home I left, I need strength to stay away from him and build my life again. If anyone going through the same or did in the past and wants to chat about it, do write a private message. I don't really talk to anyone about it, just my manager, so she knows why I am not myself at the moment. Thank you for reading my story.

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@redtulip54 I've been wondering how the process was coming along. Have you ever talked with a therapist? Now might be a good time. One thought running through my mind is the grief process. Leaving a dysfunctional situation could certainly cause grief, in fact you mention the sadness you feel. Care for yourself.


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Thanks Jim. It is nice of you to remember my story. Thank you for reaching out again. No, I have not seen a therapist. In the past, I have found it hard to find a good one. It seems, these days therapists are not allowed to criticize and not agree with you. It is all too softly softly. I am not in a position to pay money for a sympathetic ear. I guess, I want a therapist to shake me up and tell me where my personality is weak, what my faults are and how I can improve. To not be afraid to upset me. I have been listening Dr Ramini, Jimmy on Relationships and Surviving Narcissism. That helped a lot. But, yes, you are right, grief is coming. I don't think it hit me yet, I think I am still just numb. But I feel it is coming.


Red tulip, it’s hard to let go
of the familiar, bad or good. But you will find each day gets easier if you focus on seeing YOURSELF as deserving a kinder and less stressful life. I always gravitated toward that sad partner who needed to be saved, rescued. Well, it’s not my job to rescue anyone and what I ended up with was a lot of heartbreak. You don’t deserve to wake up every day wondering who you are going to get: Jekyll or Hyde.
Move forward! Don’t be afraid and don’t look back. Go girl!

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Thank you, your words are gold. My brain understands and accepts it, my heart needs to catch up. Thank you again.


Yes I have. I had cosmetic violence treatment and therapy about 6 years ago The dark triad traits- narcissism sociopaths machieavellianism- typo exist on a spectrum. Keep yourself safe. Fact check everything. Beware who you listen too allow in your life and allow to influence you .You are very brave. Create your future.

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Thank you for your wise thoughts. I will try. I am an open trustful person, got burnt this time.

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