ANA 1:160 - is it an auto immune disease?

Posted by helen1000 @helen1000, Sep 8, 2024

I had all the tests for autoimmune disease and this ANA tilter is 1:160. Other than that, all tests are negative. I know 15% healthy people may have this ANA test positive. My doctor wants me to follow up ENA.

I want to know whether anyone has any experience for any auto immune disease with only this ANA test positive?

Thanks a lot,

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ENA tests results come back, six panels, all negative. So I don't have auto immune disease.

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I am so happy for you!


You are very welcome.


I don't really like it when cancer etc. is blamed on lifestyle factors including stress. It might be true but it veers into victim blaming in some cases. The worst is when there is an emphasis on a "positive attitude" to increase health. I know a woman who is 105 who has the most negative attitude and always has. Cancer and other ailments have complicate causes, most out of our control. Genes and our toxic environment for example.

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I get what you're saying @windyshores. As a scientist (albeit not medical), I've seen that people love to confuse correlation with causation. For example, it's easy to have a positive attitude and lead a healthier lifestyle when one is feeling reasonably healthy in the first place. So the "data" are only as good as they're collected and as they're interpreted. And the jury isn't out on this yet.


I don't really like it when cancer etc. is blamed on lifestyle factors including stress. It might be true but it veers into victim blaming in some cases. The worst is when there is an emphasis on a "positive attitude" to increase health. I know a woman who is 105 who has the most negative attitude and always has. Cancer and other ailments have complicate causes, most out of our control. Genes and our toxic environment for example.

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Thank you so much for sharing this. You are so very right. Popular culture including books have influenced society to blame the victim. This happens way more often than people realize. Someone gets a disease & the whispers & outright slander begins "well look at how she (fill in the blank), it's no wonder she got this!" It's always been the prevailing attitude throughout history to blame the victim. Rape is an obvious example. "Well, of course she got raped. Why did she go to the grocery store alone at dark? She should have known better!" So many "justifiable" reasons to blame the victim--makes me sick & sad when this same argument is used when a person gets sick with (full in the blank). Everyone has their 2 cents opinion why it's their own fault. The very time that the person needs compassion & empathy, instead they are shunned. "Friends" drop away one by one. Finally there has come to light the flaws in "the power of positive thinking." It's simply not true, not that simplistic, not even reasonable. Books are being written on the dangers of always believing that if you just have positive thoughts then "statistically" nothing bad will come your way. This hogwash is not only harmful, it's dangerous. And I don't even think that the statistics bear out the facts. It's a propaganda campaign. I was vegetarian for decades. Never even drank a Coca-cola. Only water. Was fit & strong. I'm now 71 & I have the spine of a sickly 95 year old. Every single part of my body from head to toe began falling apart in my early 50s. Why? You can't deny your DNA. You simply cannot. I have just about every well known autoimmune disease in addition to many rare diseases, disorders, syndromes, call it what you want to. I have more than one terminal illness. I'm wracked with pain every day. Yet in my mid 40s I took up solo hiking on the Appalachian Trail--no cell phones then either, I was a female alone on the trail with a 50 pound pack. The freedom was exhilarating. I even built a fence--dug the post holes, mixed the concrete. I still climbed trees for fun. I was riding high with positivity. Boom, I hit my 50s & started the long painful decline & now I'm wheelchair bound forever. The doctors are baffled by how many diseases I have to the point that they want me to get my entire genome sequenced. Life happens to you on your journey here on Earth. Things beyond your control. Exposure to toxins, our increasing air, water, & ground contamination is impossible to avoid. Tragedies & traumatic events happen to every single one of us. You can't escape this fact. Oh! People say "but it's how you respond to theses stressors." I beg to differ this popular notion. Genetic predisposition is what it's all about, people. The specific predisposed gene is flipped to the "on" position, like a light switch that you can't turn off. It's important to understand that there's a difference between positive thinking & hope as well. We can still be fighters, but positive thinking is not going to cure you. It's just not. Having some hope is helpful in dealing with what your DNA & environmentally unhealthy situations have been dealt to you, but sometimes doctors are honest enough to tell you "your condition is hopeless. There is no cure. There isn't even any treatment that has been shown to make a difference. Get your affairs in order. I'm very sorry." STOP with the "power of positive thinking." Please! It's just not true. Bad things happen to good people. Viruses are more & more in the spotlight for their insidious long term effects on our health. One thing people can & should do is wear a *#^@! mask when they are sick. This pandemic is with us forever, people. Forever. We, the sick ones, need compassion not gossip about how "it's no wonder she got sick! Look at how she xyz." Please, friends, don't drop away. When you do, you only prove that you never really were a friend in the first place. "The Power of Positive Thinking" is nothing more than a worn-out cliche, a platitude, victim blaming mentality, & pure hogwash. Hope is always helpful. Learning to have hope in the face of terminal illnesses does not mean you think that you'll be spared your destiny. Hope is so much more than that. Hope can help keep our spirits up. --Hope that tomorrow your pain level will allow you to enjoy a few moments of relief. Hope that you can find a few moments of life's joys despite your hopeless condition. But please, stop with the "just think positive!" And stop with "statistics say that..." What statistics? State your sources. Don't just say "statistics show that xyz....." Show me the research. Show me the scientific studies that prove what you say.


The ANA test is not the be all and end all for detecting autoimmune diseases. Beware of this mentality. You may have antibodies that are different & a test for your specific antibodies has simply not been invented yet. I have beau coup autoimmune diseases out the wazoo. For decades! I'm 71 & only RECENTLY FINALLY got a positive ANA result. Something else bugs me about the ANA being the "gate-keeper." Anti-NUCLEAR antibodies are antibodies that appear in the NUCLEUS. Most autoimmune diseases appear in the *cytoplasm* NOT in the nucleus. Why on Earth then is the ANA the gate-keeper? "Well, your ANA is negative so it's pointless to test for anything else. You don't have any autoimmune diseases." Say what?? You gotta be kidding me. Doctors, what's wrong with y'all?? If doctors refuse to think outside the box, if doctors refuse to think that just maybe they are zebras & not horses hoof beats, when doctors refuse to test for it, well guess what--"you can't detect it if you refuse to suspect it"--then this 71 year old who was told for decades "there's nothing wrong with you" & now has been found to have 5 serious birth defects & so many rare autoimmune diseases that they want to test my genome but refused to believe me or test me to the point where I've already got one foot in the grave & am trying to decide on the color of my box--I have this to say to y'all hard-headed doctors--I look forward to the day when you are all OBSOLETE & have been replaced by Artificial Intelligence.


The ANA test is not the be all and end all for detecting autoimmune diseases. Beware of this mentality. You may have antibodies that are different & a test for your specific antibodies has simply not been invented yet. I have beau coup autoimmune diseases out the wazoo. For decades! I'm 71 & only RECENTLY FINALLY got a positive ANA result. Something else bugs me about the ANA being the "gate-keeper." Anti-NUCLEAR antibodies are antibodies that appear in the NUCLEUS. Most autoimmune diseases appear in the *cytoplasm* NOT in the nucleus. Why on Earth then is the ANA the gate-keeper? "Well, your ANA is negative so it's pointless to test for anything else. You don't have any autoimmune diseases." Say what?? You gotta be kidding me. Doctors, what's wrong with y'all?? If doctors refuse to think outside the box, if doctors refuse to think that just maybe they are zebras & not horses hoof beats, when doctors refuse to test for it, well guess what--"you can't detect it if you refuse to suspect it"--then this 71 year old who was told for decades "there's nothing wrong with you" & now has been found to have 5 serious birth defects & so many rare autoimmune diseases that they want to test my genome but refused to believe me or test me to the point where I've already got one foot in the grave & am trying to decide on the color of my box--I have this to say to y'all hard-headed doctors--I look forward to the day when you are all OBSOLETE & have been replaced by Artificial Intelligence.

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On the other hand, a positive ANA, even a very high one, doesn't always mean an autoimmune disease is present. It does indicate a need to monitor- if symptoms are present.


The ANA is such a flawed test that I think it should be done away with altogether.




The ANA test is not the be all and end all for detecting autoimmune diseases. Beware of this mentality. You may have antibodies that are different & a test for your specific antibodies has simply not been invented yet. I have beau coup autoimmune diseases out the wazoo. For decades! I'm 71 & only RECENTLY FINALLY got a positive ANA result. Something else bugs me about the ANA being the "gate-keeper." Anti-NUCLEAR antibodies are antibodies that appear in the NUCLEUS. Most autoimmune diseases appear in the *cytoplasm* NOT in the nucleus. Why on Earth then is the ANA the gate-keeper? "Well, your ANA is negative so it's pointless to test for anything else. You don't have any autoimmune diseases." Say what?? You gotta be kidding me. Doctors, what's wrong with y'all?? If doctors refuse to think outside the box, if doctors refuse to think that just maybe they are zebras & not horses hoof beats, when doctors refuse to test for it, well guess what--"you can't detect it if you refuse to suspect it"--then this 71 year old who was told for decades "there's nothing wrong with you" & now has been found to have 5 serious birth defects & so many rare autoimmune diseases that they want to test my genome but refused to believe me or test me to the point where I've already got one foot in the grave & am trying to decide on the color of my box--I have this to say to y'all hard-headed doctors--I look forward to the day when you are all OBSOLETE & have been replaced by Artificial Intelligence.

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I totally agree that ANA is not the only test to decide whether i have auto immune disease. I did many tests not just ANA. ANA is the only item shows positive. It may go up if there is an infection.
I did many other tests like igg A,G,M etc. They are all normal. I am not sure what other tests I need to do , can you recommend a full panel.of tests for auto immune disease? If I can find out what auto immune disease I have, that will be great. I Just did so many tests and they are all normal but I just got the infection. I think my low weight is the contributing factor.

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