Terrible heads aches and tinnitus

Posted by dlre95 @dlre95, Sep 18, 2024

Does anyone have any suggestions for long covid headaches and tinnitus. DRs think all in my head which of course it is. No one takes it seriously. Told me to see psychiatrist. I have many more sympyoms but these are the worse.

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Ugh same here! And I’ve heard people they’ve never even had insomnia get covid and then can’t sleep. It’s certainly not that we’re not tired! Sucks

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That’s for sure. I actually fell asleep tinkling. I woke up like a minute later but I was that tired. Crazy and yes it sucks!


Awe. How pretty. My brain fog really is noticeably when I read after I send. lol. Words spelled wrong and or missing. 🙄 that just made me feel old. Do you even remember the Gerber Baby???

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But of course, my dear!


Do you have LC? Drs are so limited in knowing anything about LC. They just started admitting it is real and a lot longer and a true disability. I get headaches every now and then but the tinnitus never stops. It’s so bad that adding other noises like TV, I have to blast the TV to overpower it. My family hates it. Says the people down the street can hear it. lol.

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I really don't know if I have LC. I'm not sure there is anything that can be done if I do. Hopefully it goes away soon.


I might be wrong but the music in your head could be what they call “ear worms “, don’t freak out it’s just the name they gave it. It’s very difficult at times because in my experience I get one song without lyrics and it stays for days sometimes weeks. I’ve done a little research on it and the biggest cause is stress and depression, wow that’s a surprise. On a bright note you might have something different to and at least your music is a variety of different tunes, I would rather have what you’re getting with all due respect.

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I wanted, @frouke , to update you on what I hear: it is both a whooshing and what I hear as music. Lately too I'm hearing what sounds to me like a "Walter Cronkite-ish" voice that sounds as if it's coming from a radio! It's entertaining to have all this and no, we do not have a radio or TV or anything on at the times I hear it. It's not an earworm as you suggested - the tunes, save one new one in my "ear repertoire", are not ones I'd choose. I promise.

ENT later in Oct.

What I also learned was that the connective tissue disorder with which I was finally diagnosed is likely from COVID. Did searches through NIH and others when doctors "c/wouldn't say for sure" but many others did way it was a likely result of COVID and part of long COVID. These are all yucky.

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